I was going to start a thread about this but will just chime in here. I agree that BO is the most partisan president we have ever had. Lots of people can debate the plusses and minuses of policy. It is fine for BO, or any pres, to have strong opinions on policy. What they can't do is fail to lead. That, in a nutshell, is BO's biggest failure. he just doesnt know how to be a leader.
I watched him on CNN yesterday blasting the repubs and their budget. is it possible to be any more hypocritical??? BO proposed a budget that was so ******* bad it got defeated 414-0. Yet he has the gumption to critisize the repub bill!!!
It sems obvious that he really doesnt want anything to change. He realizes his best chance at reelection is to actually accompolish nothing and blame the other side. hell, it has worked for him all of his political life.
he should have never left the senate. In the senate you can be hyper partisan and critisize everybody and it is almost acceptable. Presidents cant do that and be effective.
Anyone remember Clinton's big state of the union spoeech when his first words were "the era of big govt is over". Clinton changed. Clinton compromised. Clinton LEAD. And the country was so much the better for it.