'The Fedex years'

That's Right

500+ Posts
I hame some vague knowledge on this subject but can y'all give me some insight as to where that term comes from, and what exaclty it was that those aggie teams did to cheat. Anyways, thanks.
The Collie Station Fed Ex man picked up packages of cash on a regular basis from Jackie Sherrill's office, packages which were addressed to the best football players Jackie thought he could buy.

The initial story broke in the DMN. The reporter, Doug Bedell, photographed the ex-player opening a FedEx envelope, signed by an assistant coach at TAMU, with $1500 cash. The player told Bedell that he shook the coaches down for the money, but recanted after the Ag internal investigation flew him to CS and met with him privately.
Didnt aggy buy Eric Dickerson a Trans AM, but he got a better offer from SMU so he drove off in his aggymobile to join the Pony Express?
In response to:

"Agroids have never had successful seasons except when they cheated... "

This is mostly true, but there are exceptions: Bear Bryant had them ranked at the top in '57. Then Bryant quit to return to Alabama. Gene Stallings won the SWC in '67 and was building a solid program when Ags fired him (maybe the worst coaching decision they ever made). Emory Bellard had Ags rolling, got up to #2 in (I think) '78. But Ag alumni meddled and hassled Bellard so much that he quit in frustration. In mid-season. To return to high school coaching.
S197Hookem, you are, of course, referring to Charlie Moran, for whom UT fans wrote this little verse in 1911, "To hell, to hell with Charlie Moran and all his dirty crew. And if you don't like the words to this song, to hell, to hell with you".

Later that year this message was sent from UT to A. & M., "I beg to inform you that the Athletic Council of the University of Texas has decided not to enter in athletic relations with the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas for the year 1912."
Of all the years that we have had our online existence as fans of our school, and believe me, I've been here from the 360 days, I have NEVER seen that pic of Dickerson.

How on earth did SMU get the death penalty and not aggy? Do you folks believe that if Dickerson had indeed attended aggy, they would have gotten it?
Yeah, that photo is new to me. Looks like Pulitzer Prize caliber work, too.

At Marcus DuPree only took off with his free boots when he switched his commitment from Texas to OU.
Despite what a lot of agroids think, aggy doesn't have much of a winning rep in football. They've traditionally been caught with their hand in the cookie jar during those times when they win with any consistency. (Okay, the RC years were largely the exception...maybe. He won a lot with players bought and paid for by Sherrill.) Fed-Ex paid the rent in collie station handling the cash payments to aggy's players...that's the meaning of "the Fed-Ex years".
All of that and they still could not win a MNC, or their bowl games. Did they have any wins against top teams in that period?
a sitting Republican guv was also involved in the payments that got SMU it's DP. he was handing out the moola AFTER SMU was warned and put on probation for handing out moola.

would that we could get the current sitting Republican guv to get caught doing the same thing for aggy.

and yes, Charlie Moran is who I was referring to, I just couldn't remember his name, and didn't want to waste time looking up that scumbag aggy name. when you google 'scumbag aggy cheater' about a mallionbazillionquintillion hits come up and it takes for ever to wade through them. hive of scum and villinaaay. WHOOP!!!

and that new guy is already at it, I hear tell he got caught with some oily rags and a book of matches in Atlanta on Hiway 59 recently.

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