The Costs of an Obama Presidency

I'll see your
and raise you

Tell me, Ryan, in the name of all things holy, please tell me you don't think that's serious. Because from all indications your
makes me conclude that you believe that the writer actually believes that.
Lighten up Ryan.

KE is the staunchest, most unabashed Democratic Party champion on this board. He was swinging lumber for the Democratic Party while most of the Obamites were lamenting the demise of the sorority thread on 3:16.

KE - thanks for the humor.
I think Ryan would agree with me when I say that parents who make their children watch the movie "Deep Impact" are committing child abuse.
lighten up people, it's from the onion...although on a side note, i was overhearing a conversation in the lunch room the other day in which i heard some evangelicals say that they thought obama might be the not making this up...
I thought I was kidding when I told my wife that people would start calling Obama the antichrist. Not two days later, A's D posted a link where people were calling him the antichrist.

I had lunch with a buddy today who told me his neighbor told him he thought Obama was the anti-christ too.

But here's my question -- isn't that a vote-getter for Obama? Wouldn't his election help usher in the Armageddon they long for?
I heard one just today...someone asked me who is funding Obama's campaign...then they came back and said it was Muslim's that they are not disclosing.

Every new president or presidential candidate is the anti-christ. That allows for the end of the world nut jobs to write a new version of the same book to sell.
According to the National Taxpayer's Union, the cost of an Obama presidency will be an additional $287 billion in spending.

The Link

That's on top of current deficit spending levels. Is he planning to raise taxes to balance his proposed policies?
Onion also has a video podcast. Probably the same as the thing on TIVO. New episode once or twice a week. It can be excellent or very bad, never really a middle ground. Only about 2 minutes long so not a huge investment of time

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