The cost of the auto bailout

Totally agree. This is why Bush, Paulson, and Bernanke should never have started the ball rolling with the initial 17.4 billion dollar loan in December 2008.

But, you know, liberals are liberals and that's just what they do.
The problem is that nobody cares about this. The public believes that two companies that were giants of American industry were saved (along with thousands of jobs) by the bailout. That's all that's going to matter.
Yes and there were a lot of otherwise successful car dealerships that were closed and people lost their jobs for no good reason. A regular bankruptcy proceeding would have made more sense.
Let's cut to the chase, it was a Bailout of the UAW and they came out better than they went in. Bush nor the Republicans were going to do what Obama did.

There were $42 Billion that was forgiven, so the small guy that supplies GM and Chrysler took it in the shorts anyway.

This was about the UAW no if's ands or buts about it!!!!

Nobody can spin this any differently.
What if:

1) GM and Chrysler fail tomorrow. The numbers don't look so good. The bailout is certainly questionable.

2) GM and Chrysler have continued success for another few decades++, each year their jobs and revenue generate billions more in tax revenues more than paying off any costs of the bailout. Direct and indirect jobs employ thousands of Americans.

I don't know if GM and Chrysler will continue to flourish. I do know that right now in June 2012 both seem financially viable and both are selling enough cars for the time being. So, I'll let this ride before I get worked up.
So if GM and Chrysler failed, Americans would stop by cars? False!!!!

They would buy American made Honda's, Fords and Toyota's. I think Mazda, BMW and Mercedes all have plants in america.

The money and revenue that you think would be lost would be transferred back into the economy vs into the hands of the unions.

I think it would be a good thing, the first couple years might be rough, but after that more money goes into the economy then into the unions hands.

Great idea, the car companies will fail agains as the benefits for the unions are too much for any company to be successful.
Why would Romney run on revising history? It's pointless not except to point out that the POTUS just used that "crisis" to throw a bunch of money at his union friends at the expense of everyone else with skin in that game.
Did someone really just try to blast Romney for the Auto Bailout? Man the delusional things people write.....

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