'The Big Bain Lie'


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Very good piece by John King in explaining this entire topic. CNN has doing a much better job of late of being more in the center though they certainly will often lean to the left. But this piece is absolutely in the middle.

IMO, I don't think it matters if you are actively running the company, sitting in on board meetings, writing memos, etc. If you are the top stockholder, and it is your money out there, then you need to have an understanding of what is going on at the top level. You don't need to be involved in day to day decisions but you should know the major decisions your company is making and then weigh in when needed. Or at least you should have somebody bringing certain items/decisions to your attention.

This is going to continue to be a big campaign issue and worth discussing.
It is a silly stupid ginned up issue.
The only people who will pretend this is a real issue are Bo and his supporters.

if one really wants to believe that Romney really was able to run the Olympics( and even BO supporters can't deny that is a huge job that he turned around and as a result the USA had a successful and profitable Olumpics that is still a model for all others)
so Rommeny was able to turn aroun a failing Olumpics in Utah AND still be the decision maker for a billion dollar company in Mass?

Hey that is a man I want running my country.
If the Obama campaign can use this for in effect "swiftboat" Romney, then yes, this will be what would've cause the begining of the end for Romney.
Barack Obama cannot run on his record as president, and he certainly does not want to talk about jobs or the economy. In fact, the only chance that Obama has to win is to destroy Mitt Romney.

The problem with that is that Mitt Romney is as squeaky clean as they come. What to do, what to do.

As is obvious to all by now, Obama has decided to engage in a blatantly dishonest smear campaign. The assertions about Romney working at Bain after 1999 and outsourcing jobs during that time, have both been thoroughly and responsibly vetted and found to be baseless. But Barack Obama continues to double down on what he knows are flat out lies. Why?

This is the last line of defense for Barack Obama and his campaign. He has to make a stand here and destroy Romney by any possible means, or Obama knows he will lose the election. This is what we are witnessing here. Obama is as desperate as he can possibly be. And it shows.
Much to do about nothing. The Obama campaign will continue to press attention on anything and everything but his own record as President.

As for when he "officially" left Bain Capital, it is a non-issue. Speaking from experience of leading small to medium businesses, transitions of leadership take months and even years due to many different factors such as client relationships, attorney work and just simple mechanics of transition.

Record unemployment and record debt - failure on all accounts by Obama.

What EXACTLY does this mean?
'So whatever jobs are left, can also be shipped to China, so that education and research can be cut to give tax cuts to the super reach"

Are you saying as POTUS Romney would ship jobs to china?
How exactly would he do that?Please explain

and cut spending to education and research? When has he said that?

has Romney said he would give MORE tax cuts, to All income tax payers btw, than happened under Bush and extended by BO?

You seem to have the BO talking points down pat . Saying something doesn't make it so

A real supporter would be able to explain accusations.
The OP highlights our lack of quality candidates. Why would anyone want to ever run for office? Sadly people will believe it is a legitimate issue, because we have idiots abound.
I think think the SEC reports are pretty much irrelevant, but maybe 50-1,000 times more important than Obama's Occidental College Transcripts, still a source of mystical curiousity to the wacko right wingers.
Clean - there you go again trying to confuse the libs with real facts instead of manufactured ones. They don't "understand" facts that don't fit into their worship of BO.
This remark by Horn69 shows the poster porbablyhas never been in a managment position of any kind .
" Those traits have NOTHING to do with running a government of the leading country in the Free World."

If the poster really thinks turing around a failing Olympics( during which Romney did have to interact with the govts of the participating countries as well as the IIOC) and managing a multi billion dollar international company don't show the skills and decision making ability of a leader then the poster doesn't understand what leaders actually do.

Hint, it isn't to bash and criticize those the so called leader is supposed to be leading.
If what is out there is all there is to the story........it will not be a big campaign issue. I do agree that CNN and John King have done the best job of looking at this.

By the way....how many "outsourced jobs" are at the heart of this issue? I honestly don't know. This seems lost in the speculation.
The facts are that Romney was CEO, participated in board meetings and was the sole owner of Bain. Isn't that the most powerful position in the business world and regularly held accountable for the companies actions?

The buck stops in the Presidential office in our Federal Government. The same is true for the board room and Chairman's seat in business.

Matthew Dowd summarized this issue very well on This Week with George S today:The Link

In reply to:

I love how if any issue is about Romney - or any other Republican - it becomes seriously important. Any question about BO is a non-issue and most likely racially motivated. This thread proves that.
Romney is a flip flopper and secretive about his business experience. Yet, he touts his business background constantly. Now he whines when people want to see his true vulture capitalist background
Again....if what is out there now is all there is to see, then this will be yesterday's news in less then two weeks.
I will take Romney and his experience with Bain and the Olympics vs. anything Obama did, I would put there pre-political careers up against one another no problem.

Now let's talk Obama's recored as a politico, ******* horrible!!!

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