The Alamo Motel/Hotel


100+ Posts
Does anyone remember this? I believe it was at the corner of 6th and Guadalupe. I believe it was an old flophouse. My family stayed there, briefly, when we first moved to Austin in 1981, and my folks had some funny stories about it. I was only two and don't remember it. (Also, the first place we ate in Austin was Dan's on S. Congress - some things don't change.)

Anyone else remember this hotel?
I remember reading an interview with Turk Pipken, he relayed his history of living there with Harry Anderson when they were stuggling magicians.

I could only find a pic after it was demolished

Remeber it well. It was on the northwest corner of 6th and Guadalupe. Had a small bar on that first floor corner where we spent many an afternoon after work. Thanks, Dee, for your kindness and making us feel at home.

A couple -- think they were of Lebanese descent; I can still see the tall distinguished gentleman seating people -- ran the Alamo restaurant which was packed daily for their good homecooked meals.

LBJ's brother Sam Houston Johnson was a resident there for many years.