Thank You President Obama!


2,500+ Posts
For doing what is right and passing the Affordable Care Act a.k.a "Obamacare"! We're the last of the developed countries to have universal health care and now, because of what you did, just like with medicare and social security, this Act will help tens of millions of americans and FINALLY bring a measure of fairness to our society!

Hook'em Mr. President!
Premature celebration

After Romney is sworn in, this thing is going straight in the terrrlet. Dem's will cry "Romneycare, RomneyCare"!, repubs will laugh.

I think they call this Schadenfruede or however it's spelled.

Vote out ObamaTax.
So Roger, It's a good thing that the federal government can coerce citizens into buying a product by levying a tax on them if they refuse to do so?
Maybe Congress should just go ahead and make life insurance and burial insurance mandatory. Why not? What's going to stop them now?
I have a simple non-political question. What about those who can afford health care but don't want it? Is this new health care act going to make someone pay a tax for not having it? If so, is the middle class or upper class basically paying for health care for those who cannot afford it?

I don't have a care either way since I am in the military and my health care is paid for by tax payers anyway. Also, when I retire, I will have coverage at a minimum cost to me through the same insurance that I currently enjoy. It is something like $500 a year and like $50 a month after I retire.
I would love to waive my magic wand and give everyone the greatest health care known to man. And I even probably come out ahead on this crap bill but this is much bigger than health care.
GTT - I know that your questions are rhetorical - in the liberal mind, the answers are all a resounding YES. Only conservatives are political - libs are just trying to be "fair" so everyone will be "equal". In this case it means equally poor and expensive healthcare. Oh wait - it will only be expensive for those who can afford it - the rest will be on the gravy train.
Social Security and Medicare, $65TRILLION in UNFUNDED DEBT!!!!!

Are ******* crazy or just stupid?

The ideas are great if you were given a choice and politicians didn't rob Peter to pay Paul.

Do you really think this is going to be anything but the same song different verse?

Give me a choice in Retirement, Medicare and Healthcare, give me my freedom of choice and do not allow the politico's to touch the money of those who have chosen to take part. If you do that, I am all for the programs.

I would opt out, but hey I am smarter then the average bear.
So let's see:

1) More people will be added to Medicaid rolls
2) Medicaid pays less than the actual cost to provide
3) Hospitals who are already losing money, lose more money
4) aforementioned hospitals close unless major tax increases are placed on citizens via local county taxes
5) hospitals who have a large enough tax base to cover losses, bulge with too many patients, too few beds
6) Private physicians stop accepting Medicare and Medicaid.
7) we all win!
"Obamatax" <snicker>

I see it didn't take some of you very long to soak up your Fox News' keyword-of-the-weak.

You remind me of the robot Gort in "The Day the Earth Stood Still" when he stands in front of a blinking screen in the spaceship, mindlessly getting his instructions.
I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. But those in Massuchetts have several years with it in place. Adds to just another hoop the Government makes me jump though.

Can someone answer these questions?

Do these exchanges work? Will the penalty motivate companies to drop Health coverage plans? Will insurance companies not be able to compete with Government such that everyone will end up on the Government plan? Should I move to Canada? Oh wait they have universal care. Where do I go so I can have the care I have now?

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