Thai Food in South Austin


500+ Posts
Not sure how many Madam Mam fans there are on this board, but she has opened a new branch at Westgate and 290(near Central Market). It is in the old RJ Pitts BBQ building at the SW corner. Much more room than the one by campus. Food was great, as always. If you crave a Singha with dinner, it is BYOB, so you can stop by the liquor store next door or swing by Central Market..
No discussion of Thai in s. Austin is complete without mention of Sawadhee Thai, on Machanca just off of Slaughter. Mom-and-pop shop that's a little shady looking from the outside, but is just great on the inside.
Glad to see some love for Fu Lai. Great place, even if it is empty too often.

I will definitely check out Madame Mam's.

Did Sawadee close for a while, or operate under another name? I went there once a few years ago, loved it, tried to go again but it was closed. Noticed that they had reopened or whatever but haven't been back yet.