Thanks for sharing -I have not gone to that site in a while. It does load faster and it has some allsome photos. The format is different but we will get used to it.
Why do we change from something very good to this crap?
I use the MackBrown Texas Football site all the time.
Why would they change it? When I wanted to get football info, it was right there at the top of the web page, plus easy click on pictures and stories.
Went from a classy looking page to some bright orange cheap looking mess that is harder to navigate. Gee whiz, what is wrong with these people.
I was listening to the radio this afternoon and they said something about Texas changing their internet provider to Grande. I'm having trouble finding the correlation between ISP and the design of the website.
Its a couple less clicks to get to schedules or rosters though.
I'm used to the old site so will have to wait and see how I feel after this one has been up and running for a while. I do think there needs to be more going on, and more features, on the homepage. Just a handful of current articles, with all other content on the respective program pages, doesn't seem very appealing. The added features/video links etc on the old homepage would be nice to keep. Also the stats links aren't working yet, and when using the 'news' or archive feature for each sport you can no longer select the number of articles you want returned. Previously you could select up to 100 and now it's just 30 per page.