Texas-WVU Highlights

man ... I 'm the first commenter to this???

Nice highlight reel. I did sigh when I saw the flea flicker ... but at least it included the pick 6.

Say ... why was the block on LilJordan legal? The returner was on the 3 yd line, not across the goal line. Clearly hit in the back!

Seemed like there was a period there where the refs were trying everything they could to give WVA a better chance ... see the targeting ... but no facemask.

will someone tell Sam to stop signaling first down.

He did that just prior to the >>>>1/goal at the 5 play<<<< ... pick 6.

I like Sam ... I think he's the real deal ... but tend to business and let the results speak for themselves. Celebrate with your team, appropriate to the warranted level.

Act like you've done it before, and will do it again. Earl was the best. Just handed the ball to the referee. No dance. No mouth, just high-fived his teammates.