TEXAS vs Kansas (11-18-22) – Pre-Game


Happy Feller
Game Time = 2:30 PM CT / TV = FS1

The Jayhawks are hosting this contest as "Senior Day vs. Texas" while sporting an abysmal 6-4 record.

The Longhorns are stampeding into David Booth Kansas Memorial Stadium with an impressive 6 big wins under their dewlaps and only 4 minor mishaps.

Texas has never lost to Kansas this century. (Except for twice. In the past six years. In overtime.) So let's get this party started, HORNFANS!!!





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In 1963, my dad was weighing two job offers: one from KU and one from West Texas State U in Canyon, TX. He chose the latter because he would be a Department head there and not an assistant to someone else. Over the decades, I thanked him countless times for choosing WTSU.
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Re pic no. 2 above:

Slim Pickens as the coach: “What in the Wide World of Sports is going on out here!!!??? I recruited you to play football, not dance around like a bunch of Kansas City f*****s!!!
Wish I could interpret that comprehensive chart but all I see is a 52% chance to win with 9 pts favored? Sounds a bit unbalanced to me.
Gonna be 34 degrees in Lawrence at game time. Glad it’s not a night game, it’ll be down to 20 degrees by 10 pm. So says Weather Underground.
Maybe we should have the players coach this one. They decide who starts and who farts, and what plays are called.