Texas Land and Cattle


250+ Posts
My wife and I ordered iced tea. The waitress asked if we wanted regular, raspberry, or blackberry. My wife said blackberry and I said I'd like raspberry, thinking you guys just brewed different flavors. The waitress brings bottles of tea! I search the entire menu looking for tea prices and find none. I worry all through the meal wondering how bad we're going to get screwed on the price of bottled tea. Sure enough when we get the check its $4 a bottle! I'm pissed off! Oh, and my wife said her steak wasn’t very good!
Their smoked sirloin is pretty good.

Guess they figure anybody who would order hoity-toity flavored tea wouldn't mind paying hoity-toity prices for it...kinda like the Starbucks crowd.

On a related note:
A couple of years ago we dined at the Range Steakhouse at Harrah's in Las Vegas. The after dinner Gran Marnier was $35, which was $3 more than my bone-in filet entree.

Always ask.
For a chain, Cool river, III Forks, Sulivan's and Salt Grass are not bad.
Texas Land and Cattle sucks.

For the best steaks in Town
#1 Austin Land and Cattle 12th and Lamar behind Tavern
#2 Eddie V's (Fillet)
#3 the above larger chains...
My dad ordered a steak @ Salt Grass once. It was rancid. I mean it literally was meat that had gone bad and they not only cooked it, but served it. They did offer to replace the steak, but not to comp it! My dad was so turned off they just left the place. That is truly poor form. I have never had anything in there but fatty meat.
We were just fixing to try Fleming's in Austin. jimmy, sorry I am not familiar with the expression, but what do you mean by "Fleming's kills it"?
I just meant that Fleming's is terrific. It's the best I've had (in Austin), although I admit I haven't been to Ruth's Chris in years.