Texas fight aggyism


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Since it is an off week I thought it would be a good time to address an annoyance to many fans.

We are not aggy and should shun and avoid all things aggy. The aggy collective borg dedicates it’s insignificant existence trying to poke Texas because they have an inferiority complex in regards to Texas. Examples that come to mind is the numerous car/truck decals of Bevo’s horns cut off and every aggy telling you how much they miss “the rivalry” even though we haven’t played them since 2011 and we were not a rivalry. (Look at the record)

I opine changing Texas Fight from “go horns go” to “OU sucks” is a once a year event for the Ou game.

We are not aggy and we look like we have an aggy obsession towards Ou when we continue to insert Ou Sucks after Ou weekend.

Hearing “Ou sucks” during the Baylor game was actually more annoying than the sound volume of Jumbotron.
I agree.

I also move we officially change the first line of "Texas Fight". It has to rhyme with "win".
Current: "And it's goodbye to A&M"
My Suggestions: "And we'll rally the burnt orange", "And we're victorious again", "And we're kicking your ***, amen."

OK, that last one might not get approved.
As one-sided as the overall record is, it most certainly was a rivalry. Especially for people like me who stuck with Texas as a&m kicked our butt most years through the 80s and 90s.

I think the line, "...and it's goodbye to A&M." makes more sense now that they actually did take their ball and run off to the SEC like the titty babies they collectively are.
Yeah, it definitely did fit the definition of "rivalry".

I think the line, "...and it's goodbye to A&M." makes more sense now that they actually did take their ball and run off to the SEC like the titty babies they collectively are.

I agree. If we are going to change it, the closest thing that still rhymes would probably be "and it's goodbye to all of them" but that might be too similar to "it's goodbye to all the rest".

I opine changing Texas Fight from “go horns go” to “OU sucks” is a once a year event for the Ou game.

We are not aggy and we look like we have an aggy obsession towards Ou when we continue to insert Ou Sucks after Ou weekend.

Hearing “Ou sucks” during the Baylor game was actually more annoying than the sound volume of Jumbotron.

I sort of get it for the game right after we beat OU.

Personally I still reserve it for the OU game, or if the game right before OU is a home game and we are leading big-time in the second half such that the outcome isn't in doubt and we can already begin looking forward.

Hearing it from fans around me against USC was quite ridiculous.
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Yes, I do agree about the "ou sucks" at any other game than Texas-ou. Just like we ridicule oil fans for doing horns down at any other game but Texas-ou.
I agree with @IvanDiabloHorn. The OU sucks things has really gotten out of hand. Before the TCU game, a fan at Posse East kept doing "OU Sucks!" over and over. I was like "We have lost to TCU 4 times in a row. Maybe we should be focussed on them today?"

I feel like it is the last couple of years, but people are doing "OU sucks" in all games and situations and it really is very aggy. It needs to stop. My theory is these are not alumni, but random new austin people who have recently moved to Texas. Maybe they think that is what it is supposed to be?

Anyway, it needs to stop unless it is OU week. I can also agree with @Statalyzer on the second half of an easy win the week before.

I'll note, 10 years ago, I would assume people are doing at the Baylor game because of the big win, but since they have done it all year, I know that is not the case.
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Anyway, it needs to stop unless it is OU week. I can also agree with @Statalyzer on the second half of an easy win the week before.
This is greatness imo. Like Muhammad Ali calling for his next opponent while he was still in the ring.

This is totally different than the ousux all season thing.

We're in a snapshot of time. aTm is our historical rival. I don't want to change our school fight song. We don't know if we'll reestablish the game. OU was a hated rival when they weren't in our conference.
I dont do it even at the OU game. I respect OU as an opponent and our biggest rival. They are one half of the greatest game in all of sports.
I'm not an instigator but I will defend and retaliate when disrespected or attacked. ou, aggies, and nu deserve everything we give them.
I don't disagree with that. Just saying I don't think it puts Texas fans in a good light to say "ou sucks" at games other than Texas-ou.
I don't disagree with that. Just saying I don't think it puts Texas fans in a good light to say "ou sucks" at games other than Texas-ou.
I get it but especially in Austin, we are too nice to everybody. They are jerks to us in pretty much everywhere. This is Longhorn country, they don't like it they can leave.
This has come up before.

My replacement idea for "and it's goodbye to A&M." is...
"and then Smokey goes off again."
in reference to the cannon firing when we score etc.

I am also NOT a fan of either "give 'em hell" or "OU sux" in the fight song.
Why do we need borderline cuss words in there? It just seems distasteful IMO.

I'm not sure exactly when those phrases became popular to include in the song, but the original true lyrics are,

"Hail! Hail! The gang's all here."

When I was at UT (92-96), the "give 'em hell" stuff was already common. My dad went to UT in 69-72, and years ago we decided we would sing the orgiinal lyrics when we went to games. I still sing, "Hail! Hail! The gang's all here" when I go to football games today.
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There was a version around in the early to mid 70s that was, "give em hell, give em hell. make em eat ****". I believe that was born out of some of our West Texas brothers, although I believe the first time I heard it was from a former TCU QB during OU weekend.
the "make 'em eat ...." was prevalent in the 90s also.

My dad moved to the northeast for a job shortly after college ('72), so he didn't go to many games after he graduated. When I came home for Christmas break after my first semester ('92), I told my dad about it, and he had never heard of it before.

So that slang version got popular sometime after '72.
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