Texas Black Caucus trying to block the Eyes from the Sugar Bowl


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Article, this morning in the SA Express & News
Texas representative Ron Reynolds is pushing this
I saw this on FB. It did not share the article.

Here is my take on these idiots trying to block the eyes.
These guys can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. If you didn't go to the school you don't get a say. If you did you didn't have to.
Ron Reynolds is the Eric Swalwell of Texas politics. He has been so disgraced and discredited that his political career should be long over. His colleagues have no respect or trust for him at all, and he has no credibility. However, because he's lucky enough to be from a solid blue and very stupid district, he's able to survive. Furthermore, because he knows it's very blue and stupid, instead of laying low and being happy to still have a political career, he's arrogant and vocal.
This battle has already been fought and won. The good guys won. The Eyes of Texas is our school song and will be played at sporting events, etc. The Administration's with it, Sark's with it, the Team is with it, the Alumni are with it, the vast majority of the Students are with it. A few disgruntled losers who have no say in it anyway may not be with it.

I saw this news earlier this month and ignored it. Hey, whatever happened to that "special" UT band that wouldn't play the EoT? I assume it disbanded or never actually formed because it was such a stupid idea.