Texans Buying Guns In Record Numbers...

I wish people could be more accurate with their article titles. It should read:

Ignorant and Fearful Reactionaries Gettin’ Them Some Dadgum Extra Rifles ‘N **** in Record Numbers.

Stay tuned for the much-anticipated Part Two of the series:

Dammit Bubba Did Ya Hear That Obama’s Comin’ After Our Bibles and Wimmen Too? Aw Hell No Lock ‘N Load!
1) My father gets NRA materials in the mail, and has been for 2 decades as he is a member. They have said the same thing for 20 years. Politician X intends to take away your guns, stop this by supporting the NRA and your local gun dealers. Never once has anything come close to happening that the NRA wants him to think might happen.

2) Gun sales are up in Texas. Some people here assume all of the guns are going to Texans. My amigos in Mexico might think differently as most of their guns also come from Texas.

3) If you want to live your life in fear of things that never happen- go for it. You'll find me out enjoying life without buying guns- as I've kept the same 3 I've had since they were given to me as a child, and they all still work just fine if you clean them and care for them properly.
The NRA is pretty over the top but they're a necessary counterbalance to the Roger35's and the Satchel's of the world.
Mcbrett, I’m telling you they’re coming after those three guns of yours. You should buy a gun to protect them.
Facts have a well known liberal bias:

"Yes, gun laws are actually being liberalized — not the other way around.

The New Hampshire Legislature this year expanded the rights of citizens to fire at other people in public place if they feel threatened; previously their first legal option was to seek shelter. And soon the Legislature will vote on a bill to allow guns on college campuses, over the opposition of college administrators. Also this year a number of states, Maine included, voted to let gun owners with concealed weapons permits keep their guns in their cars while at work, even if employers object.

And in Washington, the House just voted to allow people with concealed weapons permits in one state to carry their weapons in other states that allow concealed weapons, even if the licensing standards differ. So much for states’ rights arguments that conservatives so eagerly make while bashing federal lawmaking.

Bottom line: The gun lobby can always find something to fear or complain about — whether it’s EPA regulations against lead bullets or the nomination of gun-control proponent Andrew Taver to head the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — but the fact is that ordinary Americans aren’t about to have their guns taken away, and need not succumb to overheated marketing campaigns that play on their fears."
The Link
I'm not so sure the uptick doesn't have more to do with uncertainty than any single political issue.

I got my first gun last year and am looking to get a 9mm. My list of reasons, in order, are:

1) Too many meth addicts and home invasions in my area.
2) Lack of faith with the current economic model. Poster above nailed it --- Greece and even Wisconsin.
3) Natural right as a citizen. I always thought it was weird for me to be so pro 2nd Ammendment without actually owning a gun.
I love going to gun shows because of all the freaks. I take my sane friends to them for the laughs. It is just so cute to see all these mannish types walking around in fatigues and cammo as if they were hitting the woods after church to blast away.

What is not amusing is how many gangsters are showing up at the shows now. The regular freaks sit around reloading their ammo, doing target practice and worry about the international godless communist conspiracy and its manchurian candidate, Barack Hussein Obama. Most of them can't afford a hunting lease anymore but they are good guys even if they are paranoid beyond reason. The gangstas show up with their tattoos and teenage wives and kids, cute as buttons every one, and roam around perusing what they want to own next.

My favorite part is the display of bumper stickers with pro Confederate and anti obama stuff. A few years ago it was Bill and Hillary but they got "anybody but Hillary" and aren't happy with him.

As some great wag put it, paranoids need devils a lot more than they need a God.

And the John Wayne obsession. What is that about? The guy avoided service during the real war so he could make money and caught a ration of zhit from John Ford for the rest of his life. But these whankers all seem to think he was an actual hero and Great American. Go figger.
Huisahe, I love going to the Occupy protests for the same reason. Hilarious stuff. Then you see some of them working on their Apples propping up the top of the 1% heap. Hypocrites.
Shiner is right. I've been to a couple of gun shows in Texas, and I was briefly at the Occupy London protest back in November. You will see a few tin foil hat types at gun shows, but most of the people are pretty normal folks looking at guns. If you didn't see them at a gun show, you wouldn't assume they were gun people.

By contrast, the Occupy London protest was wingnut central. First, let's be honest. Non-freaks simply don't do $hit like camp out in the middle of town for days or weeks on end. They have to go to work. Second, I didn't see what appeared to be the economically oppressed in society or poor people. What I saw was a mix of filthy looking bums and Jew-haters. I saw far more racial bigotry at the Occupy protest than I have ever seen at a gun show. And by "bums," I don't mean homeless people. I mean younger people in unkempt but pretty fashionable looking attire. The were dressed as well as I was. The only difference is that my clothes were clean, and I didn't smell like day-old crotch.
I live in Corpus and we didn't have an occupy event except one that lasted an hour or so and I had other things to do of more interest.

I was in Austin for a morning and wanted to go have a look but they were just getting up when I drove by and didn't see a parking place handy so I passed. From what I heard, they were the usual suspects.

The gun shows are a four times a year event here and lots of fun. I am a hunter and occasionally buy a weapon but mostly go for the freak show. The gangstas are a hoot and the paranoids are always fun. I like to start conversations with the sellers by saying something along the lines of "well, I guess we wont be able to buy these once Obama gets re elected."

I always try to take a liberal friend or a non hunter with me just to see their reactions.

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