Tell me why you hate Hillary

Mister Falcon

250+ Posts
Why do many conservatives hate Hillary so much? I've never seen such intense hatred for a candidate. Personally, I believe the hatred stems from two things: 1) her unlikable personality, and 2) the right's need for a common enemy to balance out their general dissatisfaction with their own candidates. She's the new gay marriage.

I don't think it's her politics - she's certainly less liberal than Obama.

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I want to meet this angry mob of conservatives that hate Hillary so much. Everyone discusses them, but I never see them or hear them.
Ok -- so what is it?

I'm not baiting anyone here. She's not my candidate of choice. I simply do not understand the strength of the reaction she gets.
Wahoo - I know quite a few. What I want to meet is a Hillary supporter. I've yet to meet one in person.

I wouldn't dub myself conservative but I hate Hillary because she's phony and arrogant. also, i think her election is practically guaranteed to invigorate all the ******** politics that i hate. the same may happen with mccain or obama, but at least i'm not 100% sure on that yet. i'll take "might be ******" over "will definitely be ******" any day, sadly.
she thinks garnishing wages to force people to pay for health insurance is a good idea. sadly, whether a more efficient and less expensive system or not, that's very unamerican.
my reasons

Her husband
their lack of humility
sleeping with Rose Hill billing records
Travel gate
pulling of FBI records
Saying everything was a right wing conspiracy when her husband actually had an affair and lied about it
saying she was not a tammy wynette when she was
her willingness to attack others
pig legs
I'm a dem...

I don't "hate" Hillary, but I think she'll do whatever she has to to get elected. I "used" to like her husband a great deal, but his shenanigans (sp?) as of late have all but destroyed the good feelings I had about him as a politician.

As I mentioned earlier, Hillary will do anything to get elected (race bait, sell her soul to corporations, etc.) and comes off as insincere and phony.

If Obama does not win, I will likely take a stronger look at McCain or abstain from voting (first time ever).
I was about to bring up her health care plan, but wanted to see how long it took for someone to mention it.

It seems like she's so easily labled. She supports universal health care, so she's a socialist. She's changed positions on Iraq, so she's a phony. She's always stuck by Bill, so she's a doormat. Yet she's got a strong personality, so she's a *****. In her own party, she's often labeled as a conservative.

It just seems like her divisiveness is more a product of irrational hatred than anything she's done.

Thanks for the responses
I wrote a long post a few weeks or so ago about code words. The code word specifically addressed was "Wal-Mart" but I talked about code words in general. "Hillary" is also code for a lot of things people hate whether it's socialized medicine or overly calculating politicians.
Washpark- THat pic is great!

I don't like her because she seems insincere. The reason i will not vote for her is because i think she will mobilize repubs to vote against her. I don't know if it's "hate" or if it's just that they don't like her for the reasons i don't.
When I took a tour of the White House this summer, the group I was with came across the various Presidential and First Lady portraits. We commented on how stately and elegant the Jackie O and Lady Bird portraits were. Some of the Presidents held copies of Plato and other ancient figures. When we got to Hillary, we saw a robotic figure holding a copy of her own book, "It Takes a Village." For some reason, I wasn't surprised.
I think a lot of it is that she's (a) a woman, (b) who rose to political power due solely to her husband, yet (c) is held up to be some sort of feminist icon. Some people wouldn't like her strictly because of (a), and even more people wouldn't like her because of (c). But I think a lot of people don't like her because of the seeming contradiction between (b) and (c).

For my part, I can't say that I hate her. I don't have a visceral reaction toward her like Brisket's wife, or like I had toward John Edwards. But I don't like her. And I think my feelings on her can best be summed up by her decision to run for Senate from the State of New York.

New York is a lovely state. I love the City and I go every chance I get. But I have as many ties to New York as Hillary did before 2000. Actually, I have more New York bona fides since I am marrying a native New Yorker.

But that didn't stop Hillary. New York is known for accepting out-of-staters as Senate candidates. The precedent was already there from Bobby Kennedy. She knew she would never get elected from Arkansas. And there wasn't an open seat in Illinois (though its interesting to speculate as to what would happen had she waited a few years and run for the vacant seat that Obama now holds). So she became a "livelong Yankees fan," bought a big house in Chappaqua, and ran for Senate.

There was something naked about that grab for power. And Americans like their power grabs to be clothed. We're funny that way.
I think nearly all politicians have a "win-at-all-costs" mentality by neccessity. You don't become President by allowing what you think is right to override what you know is popular. The key is dressing up calculated decisions designed to get you elected in sincerity. Serious contenders have to do it at least some of the time, or go the way of the straight talk express.

For Bush, this means acting like a good ole boy. For Obama, this means speaking in platitudes. For Huckabee, this means telling dorky jokes. For Romney, this means calculated attacks. For Rudy, it was 9-11. I guess Hillary just isn't as good at it is most others. However, I will never understand how so many people think she's the exception - all politicians are opportunists.

I didn't want to play the sex card, but the fact that she's a woman certainly matters.
I'm a democrat and I don't "hate" Hillary. I just don't think she will be good at changing the political discourse that has bogged down the country for years now. If she is elected it will be more of the same.

I support Mr. Obama with the same fervor I supported Mr. Clinton until he disgraced himself as a serial adulterer which ultimately resulted in 7+ years of Bush/Cheney. I can understand a wife forgiving a husband for one lapse in judgment but I question the motives of one that forgives multiple times.

I believe it is time to change the political dynamic and I believe that Mr. Obama represents the best chance for that.
Let me clarify, I don't hate her, but I certainly don't trust her either (and I use trust in the politics sense knowing none are inherently trustworthy, so ones that I say I don't trust are on the far end of the untrustworthiness spectrum). I also do not like the way she or Obama looks to increase health insurance coverage. I think consumer driven choice is the first answer with the tax breaks going not to employers but to the consumer purchasing the plan, after the dust settles, then we can determine how best to fill in the holes. Mandating purchasing health insurance plus garnishing wages to ensure it is purchased is a very draconian solution to a problem no one has even yet tried to fix with less intrusive measures.

I think both Obama and Clinton are really bad for America, and before I get treated like a GWB partisan hack, he is/was too.
I don't know if I have ever seen one genuine emotion from her...especially a warm one that makes her seem human. Kiss a baby, hold a puppy, hug your daughter because you love her-not because of a photo-op. The one time she became "veklempt" humanized her to many. To me, a a woman it was embarrassing. The reason for her tears was fatigue, and a martyr-type attitude. Campaining is hard. An article in Newsweek said it well "Imagine Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir tearing up." I have no issues with her as a woman, but the thought of the 2 for 1 w/Bill, coupled with her troubling absence of, to me, real emotions and her liberal politics in general give me an intense visceral reaction. The same Newsweek said that many mid to upper class professional women feel that hatred you speak of. There is even a book of essays written by people that feel the hate. Some is fair, other is just women being bitchy.
Just something about her bugs me....

Ok, she is just draped in insincerity. She's an opportunistic coattail rider. If her last name was Jones rather than Clinton, she would not even be a candidate. She was far too involved in policy making during her husbands term. However, she never took any accountability. Oh, and she's a *****.
UT Spring Branch laid down the essential recipe for our extreme dislike but Tom Wingo gave us the icing on the cake. Lord help us all if she wins the nomination.

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