Tell me about Mansion at Judges Hill

great spot for dinner with the wife. Intimate, great food. Very different than what you'll find downtown (in terms of atmosphere)

After dinner grab a drink at the bar. It's tiny but has some character.
Sorry y'all, but it was bad. Really really bad. I'm still so hacked off I can't even write a review that wouldn't involve obscenities. I'm pretty shocked, I researched the hell out of that place.

I almost hate to relive this, as a week hasn't made me feel any better. It started with not being able to find parking, ended up parking in a gravel lot behind a dry cleaners, because their lots were "full" and any spaces left were "for hotel guests only". The gravel lot was actually recommended by an employee when I pulled over, walked in, and asked about parking. In fact, he actually said to me, "use the gravel lot behind the dry cleaners, everyone knows that." Well, everyone but me, I guess. So we did. It smelled like total piss, probably because it's a ******* gravel lot behind a dry cleaners.

Told the host about it, he was a smarmy little bastard whose completely disinterested response was, "hmm, that never happens, that's too bad". Finally got seated after having to wait despite having reservations, they gave us what has to be the worst table in Austin, a little two-seater sandwiched between three huge tables, all filled with large, loud groups. The room, all wood, is like a ******* echo chamber anyway, so the noise was intolerable. When I asked to move, he said we'd have to wait.

Menus came out quickly, and I sensed we were being rushed. The impression I got was, "oh, these kids are in their twenties, won't spend much, so let's get them in and out". They brought the wine list and actually explained how it worked like I was twelve.

We get to looking at menus, and one first course sounds very good, so I ask about it. They're out.


At this point we've had enough. Horrendous traffic getting there, no parking (hello - valet!?), two smarmy employees, a waiter who treated us like juveniles, a horrible, loud table, and they're out of my first choice.


So we downed our two glasses of wine, paid for that, and bailed. Luckily we had a really great dinner elsewhere which mostly saved the evening.

I'll be regifting the gift certificate someone gave me.
Wow, sorry to hear that!

I've been a number of times, and always had a very good experience, but it's been about 8 months sine I last went.

Hope it was just some sort of aberration...

so you didn't even eat there?

They were out of their nightly special....well, that happens at restaurants that aren't chains. I ate at Hyde Park the other night and tried to order thier special...well, they sold all of them. It happens.

Sucks you had a bad experience, but by the sounds of your original post it appeared you ordered food and it was horrible, which wasn't the case.

The food is excellent.

Wife and I actually have reservations there in 2 weeks
No, we didn't eat, we couldn't stand it any more. If y'all would tolerate bad service, shoddy parking, a horrible table surrounded by loud groups and being treated like a child, then you are officially more tolerant than I. I expect more from a four or five star restaurant, especially in Austin.
Yes, but let's be clear: according to numbereleven, the MAJH has lousy parking, snotty waitstaff, a crowded & loud dining room, and unknown food. The latter is a pretty important thing to leave out.

How was the wine?
We walked out of a Gallaghers because of ****** service. Nobody should have to pay big bucks for getting abused like that, unless you're a 3:16 freak.