Teeth Whitening


250+ Posts
I was half asleep the other morning listening to 590am and they advertised for laser teech whitening for $199. Has anyone heard that or know of any other good deals? I just quit smoking a couple of weeks ago and for my birthday in mid july I want to give myself a whitening if I hold out.

My friend's dad is still charging $500, but he said that Crest White Strips are your best bet if you didnt want to spend that kind of money.

Thanks Loopy, thanks a lot.
I drink iced tea and Cokes all the time, so my teeth aren't as white as I would like, either. I have used the Crest strips, and they do work, but they're kind of a pain in the *** unless you just set aside the time to use them when you won't need to talk to anybody. I have heard that the gel that Colgate came out with sucks to use, but I haven't tried it.

If you are thinking about going to a dentist for the whitening, there was a coupon in last week's Chronicle for the process for $129 instead of $199.: Let us know how it works!
My dentist in Austin (off of McNeil) has been doing $199 teeth whitenings for over a year now. My wife and I both did it before getting married (wanted pearly whites for the pics). We went in , he made molds of our teeth to make the trays & they were ready like a week later. I think the treatments were for like 10 days. Teeth were pretty sensitive for awhile, but it definitely worked (better on Mrs. Ghost than me, but I drink way too much coffee). I may do it again in another year or so.
Thanks for the replies. I have had some crest whitestrips for a year or so now, but I forget to put them on. I'll check out that coupon in the chronicle. Hopefully it is valid for awhile.
I am getting my teeth whitened tomorrow for $99. It's a special that was running for a few months and actually expires on Tuesday. My wife is also getting hers done. She called to make sure it was legit and they simply are doing an amazing deal. I think they are normally $199.