Ted Cruz vs David Dewhurst for Senate


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Ted Cruz is facing off against David Dewhurst in the Republican primary runnoff for US Senator from Texas, replacing retiring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. The winner of this runoff is a virtual lock to win the Senate seat in the election in November. The primary will be held July 31, 2012.Here is a link to a video of the debate that they had on June 22, 2012:

Ted Cruz & Lt. Governor David Dewhurst Debate on KERA/CSPAN on June 22nd, 2012

Also, here is a brief article about the contest:

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Here is an excellent profile on Ted Cruz and this race, albeit from a decidedly conservative perspective.
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I hope that Ted can overcome all of Dewhurst's money and BS ads. I'm so sick of them. Dewhurst's "American Manufacturer" has a factory in China.
Honestly, I know very little about Cruz. I see Dewhurst as a prototypical politician - and I have little use for these types from either party.

I agree with Shiner. The ads have all but forced me into voting for Cruz as I am totally sick of them alone...
Some things that are impressive about Cruz as it might relate to him being a great Senator for Texas is his devotion to our Constitution. It is not lip service with him but genuine devotion that he has had all his life, thanks to his father.

He has argued so many cases before higher courts including 9 before the Supremes.
he represented all 50 states against that Calif atheist who sued that allowing voluntary recitation of our pledge amounted to violating the first amendment on establishment of religion.

Ted Cruz argument was brilliant in it's simplicitt.
One thing in his brief stuck with me. He said that in over 50 years of children reciting the Pledge not once did our government establish a religion. Ted won 9-0

Of course he also argued for Texas sovereignty to the World Court and won, to allow Texas to execute that raping murderer . Whether you believe in capital punhishment or not you should agree a state has rights.

anyone who can craft their position in such a way that it persuades the opposition is my kind of Senator.
There have been no polls on the runoff so far, but Republican insiders seem to believe that Dewhurst probably has a small lead, and that the race should be close in the end.
Unfortunately for Dewhurst, he is not very inspirational, and the July 31 election date works against him, as it is hot outside and people are more concerned with vacations at that time than they are political races. It should also be noted that this is pretty much the only race on the ballot. Since the turnout is expected to be very low, who turns out will be key. In fact, it is expected that the race will be decided by hardcore conservative activists, as these are the people who show up to vote at these kinds of elections.

Here is an article that discusses the politics of this race a little bit:

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I can promise you my enthusiasm for a choice between Cruz and Dewhurst is much diminished. The Rick Perry endorsement is sickening. But hey, at least he wasn't endorsed by Sarah Palin. I'm thoroughly convinced that whichever we send to Washington will do all in their power to gum up the works. We don't need someone to go to Washington to fight. We need someone to negotiate intelligently.
David Dewhurst has the backing of the Republican party establishment here in Texas, in no small part because he is the sitting Lieutenant Governor, which in Texas is a position that is generally regarded as being more powerful than the Governor. David Dewhurst has the endorsement and support of Rick Perry, who knows if he does not support Dewhurst and Dewhurst loses this race, then Dewhurst will be a royal pain in his backside when Dewhurst returns to the Senate.

Also, backing Dewhurst has the successful result of seeing Dewhurst promoted to Washington and out of his current position. This would make Dewhurst somewhat beholden to those Texas politicians who are endorsing him, and it also opens the powerful Lieutenant Governor’s position for whoever can muster the resources to win it, which in turn opens up a cascade of other positions behind him.

It appears that there may be more going on with respect to the support Dewhurst is receiving from other top Republican politicians than meets the eye.
I think the only way out is through the middle ground. We're going to have some hellacious cuts on services to the poor and middle class in this country. If we do nothing to the revenue side we're going to have an upheval with the Democrats getting back some or all of the power. It's OK to look uncompromising ... but in the end you have to give something to everybody. Phill Gramm could talk a better conservative game than a Cruz, Dewhurst, Perry, Palin Choir, but that jerk could also pull some votes from the Democrats to get something important done.
The "middle ground" is Democrat-lite. We have already been down this path. It is the path to ever increasing government, higher taxes and more spending, albeit at a slightly slower speed than the Democrats would prefer to have. It is a path to economic ruin. If we continue down this path, that will be our end.

Vote for Ted Cruz.
NO Compromise, the days of free lunches are over.

It is going to hurt but the band aid needs to be ripped off.

A "Hatchet" not a "Scapel" needs to be used, and yes even defense is on the table.

There is nothing that should NOT be on the table.

Internal Cruz polls showed Ted at 49%, Dewhurst at 44% with 7% undecided, he tweeted it this weekend.
Dewhurst has been so incredibly negative in this campaign that it would be great to see him lose the primary for that reason alone.
Dewhurst sucks. I'm visiting Dallas next week, and I'm driving to Austin on Tuesday just to vote against Dewhurst.
I won't vote for either but I heard Dewhurst trumpeting the fact that we need to triple the size of the border patrol and "allow them to fight back." No mention of how we would pay for it or, you know, raising the funds to pay for it. We're running massive budget deficits and we get this crap from our politicians. Plus, I know several south Texas landowners who all say they don't want more border patrol activity/presence on their land.
early voted yesterday. . . +1 Cruz

Both have negative ads but I have to agree with the group the Dew campaign has been over the top disgusting. I was a mild Cruz supporter in the beginning but I almost voted just to spite Dewhurst. No one should be rewarded for the malicious attack strategy, especially a ******** attack with little to no supporting evidence.
Didn't think much about the primary until Dewhurst made his first attack ads. Where he charged Ted Cruz with working with a Chinese company, and had the negative charges repeated in a whisper in the background. I was solidly against him from that point forward.

Voted Cruz the first time, will do so again. Each ad I hear out of Dewhurst reinforces the negative impression I started with. Helped that when I checked policies, Cruz matched my opinions better.. But Dewhurst is making sure I don't miss voting next week.

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