swine flu

velvet master

100+ Posts
a respectable football program that has obviously overlooked the first two lameass opponents in preparation for upsetting the most hated non-con, border-state, historical and recruiting rival.

a coach with a recent NFL failure, but a solid reputation for bringing an innovative passing attack, and now getting his first opportunity to get his name back on the radar.

anybody else concerned?
You betcha!! You forgot to mention a Senior QB whose played in really tough stadiums/ situations before (also a Texas kid, who'd like a triumphal return).

I HATE Arkansas more than a lot of folks (for a lot of reasons) and I really want to win this one bad. The problem is that I wanted it in '99 and '03 when we were supposed to have outclassed them, as well and I remember '04 as being a little closer than it should've been.

Apparently the've discovered the forward pass and despite the talent level I know exists in our backfield, our newness scares me. If we fail to generate enough pressure to cause Dick to go fetal it could get real interesting, real fast.

Additionally, outside of a bowl matchup this'll be this generations' single and final shot at beating Texas (in the foreseeable future & and hopefully forever) and I can guarantee you they're hearing all about it, everywhere they go right now.

My brother in NW Arkansas says that it's all anyone wants to talk about. He says they sound realistic about their chances which coming from Hogs and their fans really scares me...it means they are focussed, aware and will be ready. I don't for a second believe it's a Mud-Hole if we are in anyway flat or over-confident. Beating Texas is still their raison d'etre and we'd better be ready for their A game.

35 to 21 HORNS!

Agreed that Texas better come out ready to play. Est. the running game with Fossy, chew up the TOP...keeping C Dick off the field.


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