Swimming pool in NW Austin


500+ Posts
Anyone know of a good swimming pool in NW Austin (183 around Spicewood Springs) with few kids and is set up for lap swimming? It's time to get back into shape, and I need a good cardio exercise to complement the weights.
You might try Northwest Pool off of shoal creek, as it has the lap lanes you are looking for and if you can go at other than peak times you won't have to share a lane.

It's either that are or YMCA on McNeil if you are willing to go through the intersection of at Palmer.
The pool in my neighborhood is sweet, two lanes always up (with kids) - they even have morning times when you can practice with the swim team (no kids).

Big Pool - Milwood area (Rattan Creek on Tamayo). You will have to pay a larger fee, probably, if you're not from the area.
You got several options. Canyon Vista City Pool is close. Right down spicewood springs. City of Austin run and you pay per visit.
If you are a member of Balcones Country club then they have two decent pools to chose from.
Milburn Pool in Cedar Park has a big water slide and kiddie area and several lap lines always open. Down 183 next to ACC Cypress Creek. 15-20 minute drive.
Most of the other pools are neighborhood pools and require you to live around thier or pay some steep prices.

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Horny Squirrel,
I live in your neighborhood... well, sort of. I'm in the Bluffs of Millwood across from Anderson Mill. I drive by the park everyday, but never actually gotten close to see how big the pool is. It just always seems crowded with a million kids. How much do you pay for the swimming pool and tennis court key?
A buddy of mine swims at the Dell Jewish Community Center by Hart Lane and Far West, but he has to pay for a membership. And he's not Jewish, so I don't think that's a requirement. Says the pool there is great.