Sushi after 10PM?


25+ Posts
We were looking to get sushi in Austin around 10:30 tonight. After swinging by several sushi bars, we realized they all closed at 10 and ended up going to Magnolia Cafe. Are there any sushi bars that are open after 10PM that we should try next time?

Where's crayon when you need him?...

Sorry, I don't have an answer but you could try posting an inquiry on the Austin Sushi forum. I don't think it gets much traffic (I can't even remember how or why I stumbled on that website) but it's worth a shot.

If you discover a place, please let us know!
I forget the name of it, maybe Silhouette, but on Congress and about 8th or maybe 10th. It is on the West side of the road by the jewelry store.

It was the place that had the guy with cameras in the womens room but it changed owners but kept the same fare and much of the same menu. It is not the greatest sushi but it is way above average for sure.

They are open real late on weekends and I think midnight on weekdays depending on traffic into the place. This is as of a few months ago, however, but worth a shot.
Oh, I forgot about Kenichi. They serve food until 11:00, I think. It's pretty good. Just remember to wear something black and your $200 jeans.
the restaurant in the hilton used to serve sushi til late, i want to say past midnight. i forget what the name of the restaurant is.