State Department buys $70,000 worth of Obama books


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So sick of these Chicago thugs.

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Under Obama: State Department buys $70,000 worth of Obama books

Under Dubya: 2 trillion $$'s for an idiotic war; 2 trillion $$'s in tax cuts for the wealthiest

Which one would you take?
Don't you get it? He's "stimulating" the economy! Countless jobs have been "created or saved!" Even though the unemployment rate is still over 9%, it won't get any higher.

Oh. . .and its Bush's fault. I feel better already.
so obama is spending tax dollars that pay for books that he will eventually receive royalties for? i get it, nice plan....very community organizer like.
" For the first time in 10 years I actually got a few bucks back (not a whole lot but something is better than nothing)."

So you were not paying federal income taxes during the time Bush gave the tax cut?

If you were not that means you didn't pay any in so why are you whining that you didn't get any back?
I've bee impressed with Obama's foreign policy. He took W's Playbook, tweaked it and made it his. But, he could have left anytime he wanted, if he had wanted. Bush may have got us in the mess, but O hasn't tried to get us out, without sacrificing his own interests.

So in the last 3 years, how much has O spent on his big brother's war?
did you forget the tax rebate checks that were mailed out to people who paid federal income taxes?

or did you return it?
You can demean the term "community organizer" to your heart's content but you can't take away the major foreign policy accomplishments of this "community organizer".

so your response to his fraud is "don't demean the term community organizer?"

Well, its a bs job in which intimidation and threats and fraud are the ways to the top of that field. Either way, let's discuss Obama's foreign policy achievements....

1. Bowing to various kings and presidents.
2. Killing OBL
3. Expanding executive powers to the assassination of US citizens on foreign soil
4. Refusing to disclose legal memos regarding foreign policy decisions
5. Giving DVD's to the british prime minister
6. Giving an Ipod to the queen of England
7. Giving guns to mexican drug cartels so they could kill mexican and american ccitizens
8. Supporting the Marxists in Honduras
9. Supporting the Brazillian Nationalized oil company Petrobas to explore off-shore drilling off the coast of brazil while demonizing our own free domestic oil companies and actually blocking our own ability to explore for oil.
10. Obama's apology tour to various countries
11. Obama's suck up to the Russians and abandonment of our Eastern European allies by withdrawing missile defense.
12. Offering to lift sanctions in Sudan if their tyrannical murderous ruler would "simply stop killing."
13. I lost count how many times he publicly offended Israel
14. Ignoring the iranian protestors while supporting those in libya and egypt
15. The hugo chavez book incident where he basically hammed it up with chavez after gratiously receiving a book on the destructive nature of american imperialism

this is off the top of my head, anybody want to add to this?
I bet you said the same thing when Dubya was yucking it up with the saudi king?

Na, I didn't think so.

For once, all y'all obama haters should put the hate aside, acknowledge that while your boy was chasing his tail in Iraq, Obama got bin laden, al awlaki and other top aq leaders. And be thankful that Bush wasn't in office cuz if he was, we'd sure as heck have invaded Libya and maybe one more country in the middle -east: pick one.

Acknowledging the other side's success can sometimes be very soothing.
Obama got bin laden, al awlaki and other top aq leaders. And be thankful that Bush wasn't in office cuz if he was, we'd sure as heck have invaded Libya and maybe one more country in the middle -east: pick one.

Whether or not you want ot believe it, the intelligence services while under bush were looking for obl and had basically tracked him down to pakistan when he left office.

one thing you should have noticed as a difference between the two administrations is that when the intelligence community under bush captured ksm and was waterboarded a few times, there were threats of impeachment from the speaker of the house and the majority leader in senate as well as criminal charges against those lawyers in power and scandals relating to tapped phones and daily protests against the wars, daily interviews with cindy sheehan, code pink and other congressional leaders and anti-war supporters.

Obama upped the ante on all of this, assasination attempts, no legal memo's being released, no white house guest lists, complete media black out and he has been supported generally in his fight against terrorism by those on the right.

why do you think there has been a change in tone? If a republican wins the whitehouse in 2012 and continues obama's policies, do you think the media will be supportive of him like they have obama?
Of reply in and somehow Bush's name is dragged into this. What the hell does Bush have to do with this book buying fiasco?

If Obama is caught with his pants down, let's blame Bush...that seems to be Roger's and Satchel's strategy.
And what's gonna happen if Obama does get a second term?

more unemployment, more wealth distribution and a higher concentration of wealth with the top 1% since they will be the only ones able to invest.

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