Star power


25+ Posts
Maybe I'm still in the post MNC recovery period. I don't know. So maybe I'm not feeling the buzz like I used to. Seems like this year's team is lacking the 1 or 2 (or more some years) super duper star player that we have got so accustomed to.

Since the late 90's, we have had Ricky, Simms, The Major, the Big 3 (Roy, BJ, Sloan that turned into just the Legend Roy), Benson, DJ, Nathan F'n Vasher, VY, and JC (Jamaal Charles not Jesus Christ - - although VY was close). I'm sure I missed a few.

Who's the Mega Star this year? I'm scratching my head trying to think of one. It may be a good thing not to have the one player that dominates the team's persona. Allow the team to be the team, ya know? Anyway, just an observation. Ya'll can start throwing stones about how I could possibly be overlooking Colt or Shipley etc.

Really, I look forward to watching the Horns no matter what, so it dont matter.

Probably the reason we lose a few this year. There is no one on offense whose back the team can ride. If there is a superstar, he will probably show up on defense IMO. We will be solid and will probably keep the 10 win streak alive, but I don't believe we will win it all.

Hope I'm wrong
I think Orakpo will be a star. 5 sacks his sophomore year as a backup and 5.5 last year while being injured most of the year. I think he gets about 12 sacks this year and garners AA honors.
Fabricated superlative adjectives tend to confuse poor me: which one of the listed players are super duper stars and which ones are mega stars?
"Star power" has nothing to do with how many games the team is going to win. What this team needs is true, genuine leadership, which is something that has been missing since VY left. If Colt McCoy is not going to be that guy then someone else has to step up and do it. If they can accomplish that by the first game, then I won't be worried about 10 wins.

If you're asking who is going to be the nationally recognized name, I think McCoy has already accomplished that. I could see Quan Cosby becoming a household name. On defense, Orakpo and Deon Beasley seem like the obvious choices. But coming into the year, I think McCoy is the only guy that the average college football fan is going to "know." But I think that's a good thing.
"His name is Robert Paulson"

Remember what happened to him?

It will be someone other than Colt, fellas.
Colt is clearly the "star" player on this team. Let's hope he has a "star" year. I think he'll be improved after his "sophomore slump." Let's hope his receivers step up big time and someone establishes himself as a runner to keep things balanced.

But the real key to the team's success will be on defense.
What kind of defense will we have this year?
I just don't feel McCoy can be that guy by his personality. He has the skills to lead and will hold his end of the bargain on the field. But as for leading, I don't think he holds his teammates accountable enough for their mistakes. Not to be overly critical, but I see him as a positive reinforcer 100% of the time. To me a QB who truly leads demands performance from his offense. And this means getting just as nasty when things go wrong as complimentary when things go right.

Or for that matter let me correct myself, they expect things to go right and only try to fix the wrong and not focus on the right. And fixing the wrong involves forcefully calling a player out when they are screwing up or half-assing. At least that's the common qualities I've seen in all truly great QB's...high accountability for his teammates.

Almost everytime I hear McCoy asked a question about a player or the team's performance anytime of year, it's the same lines all to the effect of...he's great, looks amazing, the team looks incredible, best since I've been here...blah blah blah. Kinda reminds me of Mack...very capable, but coddles entirely too much and often at the wrong times.
OK, let me define what "Super Star Player" means to me. I'm talking about the kind of player that when you are watching him play on Saturday's, you know without a doubt that he will be a 1st round pick in the draft. A huge difference maker. Obviously, Colt does not fit that criteria. Ricky, DJ, VY, etc did. Hell, even going back to the mid 90's when we stank, there was Tony Brackens.

That being said, Kindle is one of the few that has the chance, IMO, to be that super star player. He came in with the DJ type hype (best linebacker in Texas in a decade?), and he has the physical size to absolutely dominate. If he can avoid the injury bug, and the game continues to slow for him, that guy could fit the mold.

It excites me to hear guys names like Buckner, and the hype and size that he is bringing.

I guess let me rephrase my question: who on this year's team is a sure fire 1st round draft pick?
Tough question because being good in college does not mean even being drafted or making the pros. At this time it is tough to say on our roster but we for sure have talent. If I had to bet I would say go DB's or secondary. Akina has an amazing record of producing from back there.

Irby. Blaine Irby. Star in the making. Faster than J-Mike, better attitude than J-Mike and better hands than J-Mike.
100P: are you B. Irby??