Hall is hbp and with two outs Stell cues one over the pitchers head for an infield single and they move up on a wp.
Weis finally singles on a full count to plate the first Texas runs.
Payton grounds out to end it.
Stanford wins 7-2. Well at least we finally scored.
Bad game all around had base runners all over the place that
were left stranded. Base running errors, one that led to a bases loaded triple play in the 1st. Made some more fielding
errors. Just can't hit in the clutch at all.
I expected a tough series on the road for the first time against
quality competition. But this is pretty bad.
This is why you better take those mid week home games seriously and win as many as possible. You may well need
those down the road as we did last year.
I think Augie may have some things to say after this effort.
I doubt he will be giving a post game interview, but if he does
it might be memorable.
No post game interview due to technical issues they said on
the audio, maybe so they did have some during the broadcast
they said. But I bet Augie had some tech issues himself and
was pretty upset.