Stacks of wood


500+ Posts
I had a 1/2 chord delivered (oak). Last time I had it under covering. This year it is not. Will rain over time "ruin" it? I can get a tarp for it, I just assumed once it dries, I should be fine. Will use it all in the next 12 months. Thanks for any thoughts from the wood experts.

It will eventually rot of course. I have a pile of short logs that I have been collecting next to my driveway for years when limbs fall off my oak tree and it hasn't rotted yet but it does get a bit crumbly after a while. If you want my pile you can have it.
Thanks, I should be good with this stack. I figure after reading this thread, I should be good burning it all in the next 12 months!
We have stacks of firewood that have been there for 10 years that do just fine. Eventually, they dry out to mostly nothing and burn really fast, but they aren't "spoiled" or anything. Getting it up off of the ground will help a great deal. Stacked on top of 2 4x4 treated posts will help it last even longer.
It's best to keep it covered so it's ready to burn regardless of recent rain. Also, keep it off the ground and away from buildings so you don't invite termites.
You can cover it to keep the rain off, but there should be air circulating between the cover and the wood so it doesn't mildew or stay wet.
Ahhh, childhood memories. There are few thrills to compare with grabbing an armload of firewood and forgetting to knock the scorpions off...
Better Scorpions than Snakes, right? The Woodstack Mamba is deadly and relentless as they bite many times. The victim thinks they only got splinters but they are wrong.

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