Sponsors - File Upload Option


I have set up a new feature for Hornfans Sponsors — you can now upload an image from your computer directly into your post. You are no longer limited to linking to images on the web. Uploaded files are stored on a Hornfans server.

There are a couple of ways to do it:
  1. Click the Upload a File button and navigate to the image on your computer, select it, and click Open.
  2. Drag-and-drop an image right into the post box and it will automatically upload.
Either way you do it, once it uploads you just need to click Thumbnail or Full Image to move it into your post. If your image is big, try the Thumbnail option first and see how it looks in the post.


If you are not a Sponsor and would like to become one (and help support Hornfans), see the post below. You can sponsor for as little as $5 monthly or $50 annually. All advertising on the site is removed for Sponsors.


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