Spike Lee....


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Spike Lee needs to be thrown in jail for instigating riots!!!

Tweeting Zimmerman's address is nothing but an instigation of a riot.

Then the dumb *** has the wrong address and an elderly couple is harrassed. I hope there are lawyers talking to that elderly couple right now and are going to sue that piece of crap.

This jackass needs to be thrown in jail.
Saw that as well. He's pathetic. Don't expect an apology or any kind of retraction coming, because I doubt he cares whether they're involved or not. He wants violence and uprising and if someone innocent gets in the way, he's not going to sweat that.

I hope they get a lawyer and go to town on him.
Spike Lee must be Satch's hero. What a POS this guy is. He does need to be sued over this action. Most of the left has just lost their mind.
Most of the left has just lost their mind.
-- MSDW24


Yep. That's the only conceivable reason they don't think exactly the way you do.
We elected a community organizer as POTUS. This is a pretty basic play in his playbook. Elections have consequences. We are Libya now. Mob rule.
A rational explanation for Lee's tweet? I can't think of one.
Are you thinking maybe I'd be comfortable speaking for him? I guess in your mind we're pretty much connected if not the same person?
Good point, I wonder how many blacks were killed in chicago alone this past week end and if any of them were 17 or younger.
All those calling for an arrest in this case should be in chicago outside emanuel's office calling for an arrest in the murder of the 6 y o black child.

Spike Lee is refusing to apologize to the elderly couple whose lives he so callously disrupted.

The defamation lawsuit should be s doozie, a famous wealthy public person defames a 70 and 72 y o couple.
Knoxville Horn -- The reason this story has such a shelf life and has attracted so much attention is that there are a million ways to look at it. Controversy attracts attention because it is interesting -- else why would we be posting like mad. There are legitimate political issues, stand your ground laws, neighborhood watch, hoodies, armed citizens, perceptions of racial insensitivity, etc. that are ripe for discussion and greater understanding. The awful murder rate in this country (which amazingly enough has been declining steadily but almost unnoticed since the mid-1990s) is something that is a lot harder to get our minds around, collectively and individually.
Crockett gets the sanity award for all posts on this thread.

The notion that anyone is responsible for Spike Lee's actions other than Spike Lee is well, there are guidelines to posting here. You fill in the blank.
I agree with you completely. lee is responsibile for his actions.
I think all on here agree.
Which post did you read on this thread that you think suggests the poster thought someone other than Lee was responsibile for Lee's action?

Give me one rational explanation for Lee's tweet?

I guess I did when I turned down the above challenge.


That is more than tragic.
But I am sure spike lee will tweet the adress of the shooters soon and make sure justice is served. mayvbe he can tweet the adress of the shooters of the 6 y o while he is at it.

Or at the least he will speak out against this and join jackson ( isn't he from Chicago?) Sharpton and the NBP in protests.
won't he?
It really is sad. And that was just a quick search of the greater Chicago area.

In support of the other posters. The statistics for being killed by your own race are ridiculously in your favor, or rather against you I should say. That goes for whites too.

From 1976 to 2005 --
86% of white victims were killed by whites
94% of black victims were killed by blacks
(source FBI homicide reports)

Actually the individual numbers are terrifying.
84% of workplace murder victims are white
61% of drug related murder victims are black
80% of poison murder victims are white
51% of gun murder victims are black
Interestingly enough only 12% of workplace victims are black by far the lowest category. Hell I'd just stay in my office and play the odds.


What are the actual number not in percentage? I'm interested to see how many victims there are killed by their own race.
Drug war. That is something that helps to foment violence in neighborhoods where there are fewer jobs and higher incarceration rates, which makes more and more people hard to employ. The drug war needs to be stopped. The numbers look alot different if you check back before the drug war.

It has always been that murder within the race is much more common that inter-racial murder.

They should have a table that also splits hispanics off from whites. When race is used as the marker hispanics get dumped in with whites as latin is seen as an ethnicity.
Stop the Drug war, I agree but how?

I think it starts in the schools.

Buckhorn: I assume you are talking about the more rundown or ghetto type neighborhoods.

Those schools need to be overhauled. Not really sure how to do it but a no screw up policy.

Basically, you would have the school everyone starts at, then as kids make mistakes, they get put in a seperate school. Basically, creating an elite school where kids are safe and free from the drug/gang wars that ultimately happen.
Make the school an all day affair, 9am-6pm, keeping them out of trouble and off the streets as much as possible.

Make one mistake and you get put in the other school that is more about discipline, you can earn your way back to the elite school but it will not be easy. Make the elite school a badge of honor.

Just a thought off the top of my head.........
Unfortunately, nothing will change until the families of the kids changes. We can't raise them in school, they have to have parents that care before the kids care. I can tell you that my kids were never (and would never be) suspended 3 times in one year for drug paraphenalia, tardiness/absenteeism and graffiti, or get away without an explaination of why a screwdriver and jewelry was found in his back pack.

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