Speed Date Sexy Asian Ladies?

Missah Loopy, I bet you #1 success with Sexy Asian Ladies on this website - check it out!
We are all shocked, chagrined & uphauled. I only asked a simple question to start this thread... how did I know this would morph into Loopy's personal life
l00p's got so many skeletons in his closet it is not even funny.

This one time at band camp, he....nevermind, only he can tell that story to make you **** your pants while laughing
Uhh, l00p, you need to share with your friends - exactly what happened at Band Camp?

Did it too involve sexy Asian ladies or was it circus workers of small stature?
I did not know the whole note demanding bank money was still a thing. Had to laugh at FBI quotes.

Btw I am sure this is just a asian speed dater who thought robbing banks was easier than putting up with overly obese guys with nose hair. ( who else would speed date?)

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