South Florida: GDP is Billions More than You Think


500+ Posts
Too bad the rest of America is paying for it. I work with Identity Fraud cases. I don't have the official statistics, but of the $5.2 billion estimated fraudulent dollars refunded via identity theft (referenced in the article) last year, I guarantee over half of that total went to South Florida.

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Some of the research that I was part of a few years ago in the Barrios of the Dallas area, Identity theft is the MO of the illegal alien. The Jefe has it all setup for when they get handed off and provides everything they need. It is very structured and very profitable. Housing, id, jobs, a way to get their family here, legal help, you name it they provide it.
In Dallas they have a TV channel, if you have rabbit ears watch, I think it is Channel 29 IMMI? It is not just South Florida, Houston is even a bigger Sindacar.
All the more reason the IRS should be abolished. They screw up the legitimate tax payers and unwittingly write checks to perpetrators of fraud. The tax code is so convoluted that it invites both the wealthy and poor to abuse the system. The govt. bureaucracies in the US are so huge now that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. There has got to be a better way to make it simple and eliminate the opportunity for fraud and malfeasance.
so we add that to the illegals scam of getting refunds for children that aren't here or don't exist
and now you are talking serious money ,sarc>

I htink it is Paul Ryan whose plan has an agency set up to run fraud. do away with those 27 czars and their staff, do away with EPS and dept of ED
and fund a dept whose sole job is to stop fraud in all federal agencies including DOD and of course medicare/medicaid
we could start paying off the deficit in year 2

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