Send out an email to a bunch of friends and ask them to forward it out to their friends. Here's the text of the email...
"Hi, my name is (her name here), and I've got 2 OU tickets that have i get to rid of because I'm going to be out of the country. I know they're probably worth a lot more, but all I'm asking is $200 for the pair. Call me ASAP at (her number here) and let me know if you're interested. I'll be at work, so just leave a message and I'll return your calls in first come, first serve order"
That happened with my home phone a few years back. I found the deadbeats' real phone number and started giving it out when people would call for them. Didn't take long for the problem to stop.
i am sure the challenge is finding her phone number. at least you have a name to start with.
or you could tell the creditors "we don't have to pay, you don't have the balls to sue us, so stop calling, and all further contact needs to be mailed."
a. Tell them if they call you again, you will come to their house and kill them. Try and be specific enough that they might actually call the cops;
b. Tell them you have no intention of paying the debt, to go ahead and charge it off on your credit, and to write, "consumer purchased good with no intention of ever paying;"
c. Tell them you are her husband, and that she is dead. Nothing fucks up credit worse than being listed as deceased.