So you're telling me there's a chance?


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Even in the midst of a ****** season, I still cling to hope. That’s just how I roll. So if we can squeak into the Big 12 Tournament, there’s at least a chance of advancing to the big tournament via an automatic bid. Stranger things have happened! (Don’t even think about trying to burst my bubble, *************.)

But first we have to win two more games than Tech this weekend. So either we sweep the series against TCU and Tech loses at least two games to Baylor, or we win our series 2-1, and Tech gets swept. Both series begin Thursday night. If we lose the first game and Tech wins its first game, then it’s all over. But if we at least win the first game against TCU, no matter what happens with Tech, at least there’s hope going into Friday…
Damn straight. With this pitching staff we always have a chance and I'm not giving up till the last out.
There is one strange quirk that may work to our favor.

For some reason Tech scheduled a road game with Arizona State on Wendsday night that starts at 8:30 pm central time.

That means the game could go to nearly midnight our time and then Tech has to fly home. I would think that their players might not get to sleep to about 3 or 4 am. Thursday morning.

Then they start the Baylor series that night at 6:30 pm. I know they are young and all that, but that is still pretty strange scheduling with a conference series starting the next day.
Here come the pissers......knew they couldn't stay away too long.....

I liked this baseball team, they played alot of competitive ball and they never quit!!!! They were still fun to watch, frustrating but it was a fun and I enjoyed the season.
It's not Debby-downers, it's being realistic. We missed the conference tourney. We couldn't even muster 8th best to have a chance to make an improbable run. This isn't missing the NCAA tourney, this is being so pathetic we are dead last in our conference. This is BAD and any criticism and hurt feelings is well-deserved from those who hung tight all season hoping for a reversal up until the fat lady sang.
This program is in complete disarray. LAST PLACE in a mediocre conference is ******* terrible. If that is okay with you sunshine pumpers then mine and your expectations are irreconcilable. Skip getting tossed, then Augie fails to take a position of leadership and loses control and gets tossed. Which leads to Knebel acting like a punk *** kid and getting tossed. The entire program is a mess and if you can't see it you are just blinded by the "sunshine".

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