I haven't been paying attention to Tech, but I think we just might have the edge on Baylor this year. BU is definately a fantastic team and Kim an impressive coach, but if you compare mutual opponents so far, we have found a way to hit more baskets. It will be the defensive effort that will decide the game and we've got one of the best.
The Ags scare me only because they always bring their A game when they play us. They can lose every other game, but if they beat us they are happy.
OU will be tough. I am not a fan of Paris because the refs - for some reason - have decided to ref her differently because she is such a big player (something said by Coale not me). She should be in foul trouble as often as Stacey Stephens used to be. When you give someone that good even the slightest edge... well it will be hard to win. I hope for a split.
I think Raven is our key this year. I got lucky enough to get floor seats to the game tonight and what stood out for me was Brit's attitude. On and off the court she was pumped up!! She comes to play and does what she can to pump her team up as well.
Please god let Carla be OK. Everything above would need to be edited if she is out. And it would be nice to have EA back. Williams is another X factor who is getting better each game. I remember Jody Conradt once saying that Williams understood the strategy of the game better than any player she had coached.
I have to admit. I have fallen head over heels for Coach G. She finds a way. If there is a problem with the game, she has it fixed by the second half. This team looks a hell of a lot better than it did in November and I gotta believe G isn't done giving homework.
Hook 'Em.