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I grew up in San Antonio up north of 281/1604 for those familiar with the area. Back when I was in high school (class of '05), the whole area up there was mostly undeveloped, with lots of trees and little traffic. There was some buildup at the 281/1604 intersection with some little places along the major high way, but for the most part there were lots of trees and not many lights. It used to be really nice. This weekend I finally made it back into the area for the first time since a couple months after I graduated high school, and I just about threw up from the overdevelopment of that whole area. Every empty lot, every patch of trees, everything has been paved over and some building put up. Massive apartment complexes, a Super HEB (across the street from an existing HEB which is now closed and vacant), and about 30 bars now replace what used to be a pleasant area to grow up. It was disgusting. I get that this is "progress" but I don't see having a bunch of new massive strip malls which replace older strip malls across the street creating eye sores as progress. I used to spend a lot of time as a kid playing in the woods near our house, and when I grew up I ran in the woods and on the mostly empty streets (cross training) which is now impossible as the woods are homes and the streets clogged. To top it off, they put in a drugstore at the entrance to my neighborhood not long before I left, which is now a Salvation Army Store. Faaaantastic. I can honestly say I have no intention of ever returning to San Antonio as the one I remember is gone.