So Hillary invites Cuban


And her supporters thought it was a savvy move thinking it would rattle Trump.
Trump then invites Ginnifer Flowers who accepts
Now Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick announce they want to be invited too:thumbup:
Wonder if Hillary wishes she had not started that.
And her supporters thought it was a savvy move thinking it would rattle Trump.
Trump then invites Ginnifer Flowers who accepts
Now Paula Jones and Juanita Broderick announce they want to be invited too:thumbup:
Wonder if Hillary wishes she had not started that.
Trump is good at this circus crap

But everytime he does it, it's based on some actually serious issue. Propriety, judgement...Hillary said she'd make Bill his Number 1 economic advisor. A lot of young voters who have never heard of Paula Jones and Flowers are going to look them up now. Will it change their minds? Probably not...maybe some young Bernie supporters will give up on this completely, but it won't be good for her. That's for sure.

Like undecideds or luke warm Trump voters care about Cuban. Ha.
He is as good as it gets, which makes me wonder why she decided to down that route. I'm not sure why Cuban would intimidate Trump, but I can definitely see how Flowers might intimidate Hillary.
Making the same mistakes as the GOP contenders.
She should just play it straight (well as straight as she manage). Find his temper triggers and hit them and let him implode on national TV.

The thing is, he's already battle hardened agains that and the public is already desensitized to his crazy. What's more likely is that he'll counter with some insane but biting insult (a counter tactic that he's pefected by now) and completely throw her off her game...maybe even trigger a seizure.

I'm serious.
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I like the move by Trump. This is the kind of thing a guy does who knows he is in a battle and wants to win. Our "regular" GOP team would never go there and you see what it gets them. It's refreshing to have a candidate who will punch back for once.
I like the move by Trump. This is the kind of thing a guy does who knows he is in a battle and wants to win. Our "regular" GOP team would never go there and you see what it gets them. It's refreshing to have a candidate who will punch back for once.

Indeed. When both McCain and Romney were shredded by the media, they just stood there and took it. They did not fight back. They believed you could not fight liberal media bias in the modern US.

But Trump fights back. Trump exposed them. And people like it. Media trustworthiness has never been so low. The bulk of the credit for that goes to Trump.
There's an appropriate level of "fight" to threaten. Bringing Mark Cuban to watch (probably because he gave money to her donation or some twitter schtick that he said about Trump) is definitely a fighting move, but fairly harmless.

However, threatening to bring women with whom her husband cheated on her? That's not comparable to what Hillary did. A comparable fight would be someone who tweets mean things about the Clinton family, like his Brietbart buddies.

From the link:
Katie Packer, a Republican strategist who worked on Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign and who ran an anti-Trump PAC during the GOP primaries, said research shows that even “women who aren’t immediately inclined toward Hillary” are sympathetic toward her “when people punish her for her husband’s infidelity.”

“They feel it’s very sexist to hold her responsible for his bad behavior,” she said. About Trump, she said: “He is a serial philanderer, too, and has publicly bragged about it. He has no moral high ground.”

He's losing college-educated white women by 25 percent, a group that Romney won by 6 percent in 2012. The move wouldn't help him attain new voting bases. It only appeals to his existing base. Plus, Flowers was already told "no" by the Trump camp, so the move was nothing more than classless social media fodder.
Assumptions --

From 'Fox News Sunday' --

"MIKE PENCE: Hillary Clinton apparently thinks this is an episode of Shark Tank...

Gennifer Flowers will not be attending the debate tomorrow night. Donald was -- was using the tweet yesterday really to mock an effort by Hillary Clinton and her campaign to really distract attention from where the people -- the American people are going to be focused tomorrow night, which is on the issues, it's on the choice that we face."
This all started with the unholy nexus of Clinton & Cuban
Yet you guys are laying 100% of it at Trump's feet
There is a missing link in your causal chain
Joe, I was not referring to Mark Cuban in my "circus comment." I was talking about the reality show campaign strategy in general. I was pointing out that Trump has mastered that.

The rest of the post was a comment that Hillary, a rake amateur at this sort of campaigning, with the Cuban move just got into the lion's cage.
Joe, I was not referring to Mark Cuban in my "circus comment." I was talking about the reality show campaign strategy in general. I was pointing out that Trump has mastered that.
The rest of the post was a comment that Hillary, a rake amateur at this sort of campaigning, with the Cuban move just got into the lion's cage.

Gotcha, sorry if I misread that

And, in any event, it appears Trump never actually arranged for Flowers to sit beside Cuban
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CNBC guy's take --

It was a huge mistake for Clinton to invite billionaire Mark Cuban to the debate

" There's a reason Donald Trump has pulled into a tie or even into the lead in so many new national and battleground state polls: Hillary Clinton and her campaign are making mistakes. And no mistake is more obvious right now than Clinton's foolish decision to invite Dallas Mavericks owner and "Shark Tank" star Mark Cuban to the first presidential debate.

It's a mistake that shows just how unaware the Clinton camp is of how many voters see Clinton and her connections to rich and powerful elites and celebrities. Sure, Cuban's brash style and harsh attacks on Trump in recent weeks have grabbed headlines and burned up social media. But do they really fire up swing voters? Is a billionaire really the kind of person Clinton wants people to think she's fighting for? Or do they think Cuban's presence in the audience so close to the podium will somehow rattle a guy like Trump who's faced incessant heckling for 15 months on the campaign trail? ...."
Classless media fodder is Hillary actually inviting Cuban.
Trump never actually invited any of the women Hillary tried to trash .
How funny was it that 3 of them wanted to attend so they could look her in the face.
Wonder which candidate won that round?
Is there any chance the liberal media gives Hillary the debate questions in advance? Before this year I would have said no way, but after seeing the emails we now know just how much in bed the media is with the Dems.
There's no way one can say the questions weren't slanted in her favor. Birther being all his doing, tax returns, etc.

Where was the email question or an appropriate follow up after Trump hammered on it? How about Clinton Foundation, health records, etc.

The moderator certainly introduced the media knocks on Trump and didn't challenge any of Clinton's recent turmoil.
I was disappointed that even after all the press and social media conversation on Holt needing to be objective he did not even try.

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