So, about Condoleeza Rice

Bevo Incognito

5,000+ Posts
I've read several polls in which Americans say they prefer her above all other candidates as Romney's VP choice.

Can anybody tell me why? I mean, other than being the point-man for the most colossal foreign policy blunder in American history, what has she done that makes her preferable to say, a conservative candidate who DIDN'T carry water for that fuckup?
I have done precious little research but really like Rubio. I think Condoleeza is great, but her pro-choice stance puts me off tremendously, even though I could stomach it since the chance of her making any meaningful decisions on that issue are near zero.
I like Condi Rice and I think she'd be a good choice, 20/20 hindsight notwithstanding. Whoever is chosen has to be ready for the sharks to strike in the media. For that reason I think Paul Ryan is the best choice. He's the most 'ready'.
Condi Rice is great but she doesn't bring anything to the table. Independent women voters didn't flock to McCain/Palin, and the black vote is untouchable. Mitt has to choose Rubio, get the Hispanic vote, and win Florida. There is no other option.

Paul Ryan would run circles around Obama / Biden in debates. It'd be entertaining to watch.
Any choice other than Rubio would be completely incompetent. He is a rising star and brings the most votes to the table.
but her pro-choice stance puts me off tremendously

Conservatives have a big problem with legal abortion.

They must not be too concerned with illegal abortions, because that's what giong to happen (and did pre-Roe) if abortion is outlawed.
Rice is a bad choice. She's polished and intelligent enough not to make stupid statements like Sarah Palin did. However, she adds nothing. Republicans aren't going to score more of the women's vote simply for putting a woman on the ticket. They sure as hell aren't going to score black votes by putting a black person on the ticket.

Democrats can exploit race and gender. The GOP can't - media won't let them. If Democrats nominate a minority or a woman for something, they'll be portrayed as making history. If Republicans do the same thing, they'll be portrayed as panderers who are insulting minorities and women by thinking they'd be dumb enough to vote based on mere tokenism. (In reality, both are insulting minorities and women when they do this.)

However, the biggest problem with Rice is her Bush tie. Obama is still competitive in this race because large numbers of Americans think the economy is bad because of Bush. Even more people acknowledge that Bush screwed up the War in Iraq. Why would you want someone on the ticket who's not only from that administration but also associated with its biggest blunder? Makes no sense.
NewDoc, that was funny! I was always amused by people who said Palin was stupid but voted for Biden. He truly is an idiot.
Paul Ryan has actually stated previously that he could do much more in his current position (house budget committee chair) than as a VP. I agree with him, he's far more influential in that position than as VP.

Rubio would be the smartest pick, in my opinion.
Rubio is Cuban and anybody who thinks other Latin Americans would vote for a guy because he can speak spanish don't know much about how they relate to each other.

You are more likely to hear disparaging remarks about Cubans than compliments from Mexican Americans.

Romney needs somebody who is milquetoast like himself. He needs somebody who doesn't offend any body and doesn't generate a lot of publicity. Rubio has misrepresented his family's history. George Bush's choice of Quayle is a good exemplar of what they need: a guy with no charisma and no skeletons in his closet and who wont make the top of the ticket look like a lightweight.

Pawlenty or Ryan would do fine from what I have seen of them.
Rubio gives Romney the biggest Latino state in play, it is also the biggest Cuban American State, you don't think Cubans are extremely loyal? Mexicans or other Latin Americans may not be too impressed but the Cuban community is a very tight community and will vote for Rubio. Florida would move from a slight Obama lean to a Romney Lean with Rubio on the ticket, overnight.
Condi Rice was light years better than what we have now in the State Department. It was only a few years ago that we actually had allies in the Middle East and a working relationship with Russia.

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