Smoking a boneless Ribeye (13 lb.)

Son of a Son

1,000+ Posts
Ok, so I am smoking a rib roast I got at Sam's. I am trying to decide if I should stop around 145 like I do when roasting prime rib, or if I should go a little higher because I am smoking it.

You take your prime rib to 145? Good god man. I pull mine at 125, cover it in foil, and pray it doesn't get above 135 from carryover heat while it's resting.
Well, technically it's "Choice Rib"

Honestly though, this thing was HUGE and I intentionally left one side closer to the smoke (the side with the thermometer). The other was quite red the way I like it.
We bought a 5-rib one of those from CM at xmas. I coated it with a herb/spice rub and did it on the rotisserie. It was a yum!
After you put your spices on the outside, you might want to consider a nuclear blast for about 20 minutes in the oven. Otherwise, if you have a cast iron griddle, I'd sear the crust on the outside and then cook it very low on the smoker. I usally take a big hunk of flesh like that off right before it hits 132-5. I only let it rest in foil for about 15 minutes before I let it cool uncovered.
Actually Nick, I put the roast in the chamber right next to the firebox for a bit before moving it to its "Smoking position" trying to do that exact thing.

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