Smear campaign against McCain

I'm gonna go with South Carolina is evil until someone proves otherwise.

This time 'round I don't think it hurts McCain. He's ready for this fight.

And to transition this to a general Pub-SC thread: what result do we now need to send this puppy careening towards a brokered convention? Another Huckabee revival? Stunning Fred victory? McCain *****-slapping the whisper-campaigners?
It ain't gonna be Thompson in SC. He's running 4th and has been trending down. Huckabee-McCain race, unless Romney gets a Michigan bump, which I doubt.The Link
Jerry Kiley and Ted Sampley are the kooks who founded Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry, which was a precurser to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
For years Sen. McCain was every Democrats favorite Republican. Now we find out he is fraud who has simply been keeping Goldwaters's seat warm. Rebel flag, gay rights, and when he gets near South Carolina he suddenly becomes a Southern Baptist after a lifetime as an Episicipalian.
This guys is going to damn McCain??? He spent 14 months in Vietnam and he's going to crap on a former POW???

An interesting note about McCain (I didn't know this before I looked it up):
A guest on NPR observed that it gets nasty in South Carolina because at that point there's a sense of who the front runners are and other campaigns are desperate to establish/regain momentum -- so it becomes a pull-out-all-the-stops situation.