Simms Perspective r.e. Vince


100+ Posts
One thing that hasn't been talked about much on this board is the unique common perspective that Simms shares with Young.

If anyone can relate to someone who feels disliked/hated/vilified by their very own fans, it is Chris. Whatever you may think of him, the way he handled his time here was remarkable, really. He never pouted, he never said it wasn't fair, he never lashed out at our fans. He never talked about transferring or quitting. It took a man much bigger than me to handle his situation with such dignity and class.

That brings us to Vince. We all want what's best for him. We all want him to succeed and more importantly, I think, all Texas fans want him to be happy. That is where Chris comes in. To give him perspective. Chris has been there, dealt with the negativity from the fans and the media. Had his heart and ability questioned, had to endure bad breaks and out of whack expectations. Honestly, there is probably no other QB that could be around Vince that would have such similar experiences. So here is hoping that Chris can be a positive influence on Vince and get him back on track. It somehow seems appropriate. Why? I'm not sure, but it does.
right on, horny

i think this is a perfect thing for all involved - i can't wait to see what happens, myself
VY mentioned early on at UT that Simms and he talked and that he helped him some. I never really knew how but that may be part of it. I am sure he helped, I just did not know in what category, be it where the hot chicks are (which is everywhere if you are an athlete on campus), what to order at E-Z's, where not to live since Chris' apartment got broken into so often, or where not to park you SUV.

I want Chris to succeed soooo much at Tennessee but not at VY's expense and it goes the other way too. Line them both up behind center!!!
Can someone please post the picture of the new spread offense that would feature Colt/Chiles on the field at the same time, substitute for Simms/Young and forward to the Titans?