Western civilization, so called, committed suicide in the summer of 1914 and was not much to write home about before then, though it had flashes of brilliance. The one common theme of western civilization was christianity, not tolerance or the other virtues often cited by the ignorant as its standards.
What we should be defending, and this is consistent with the intent of the author of the article, is liberty. The right of men to be free of the tentacles of others, be it the state, a bronze age religion, or other men claiming them as chattels.
western civilization got house trained regarding human rights after a long period of barbaric institutions began getting destroyed, starting with the hegemony of my church of choice. Next came slavery. Right now the subjugation of women is getting its overdue axe to the head.
What we find noxious about islam is its arbitrary authoritarianism. If people want to idolize some religious zealot driven mad by sandstorms that is ok by me but don't use their "truth" to tyrannize others.
If we can agree that the modern totem of western civilization is individual liberty, sign me up. Otherwise, I will take a pass on fighting for anybody except as a lesser evil.