short kickoff

You lessen the change of letting them have a good return by giving them the ball where they'd have it if they got a good return.
If you are specifically talking about the Tennessee v. UCLA game on now it is because UCLA has poor coverage tonight. Horrific, actually. They figured that kicking it to an "up" guy, a less quick runner who is more of a blocker was better. More of a chance for a fumble and less time to build a wall or wedge.
Given the way that UCLA covered kicks tonight, basically meaning they were not, this was a viable option for 'em. It is not that Tenn. had a Reggie Bush or Nathan Vasher type of threat, they just sucked tonight on coverage. Better to make a team have to throw a couple of passes and complete them (esp. when your defense has been pretty stout, esp. in the second half) than maybe give up a TD on a return. That or a run back to automatically be in FG range.

It is something I dont normally agree with but I can see where it was enticing and why in this particular game.
The problem I had with tonight's decision was the amount of time left in the game. OK, so you're going to give up 30-35 yards. At least, when kicking deep, you'll be taking an extra 10 seconds off the clock. I say kick it deep.
Kicking short like that is a public admission that you suck on special teams. KR units at USC and Oregon are already circling that game on the schedule.
Did you guys watch the horrible kick coverage by UCLA tonight? I think they very much admitted their special teams sucked tonight. That is why they did it. They knew the risk and felt that taking it was far better than what they had going at the time.

I would think they are going to be doing a ton of work on ST's coming up.
Squib kicks usually backfire and just give the other team a better chance to get back into the game. Having the opponent get back into the game over the course of several offensive plays is no different than doing it in one spectacular special teams play. However, the former is more likely to happen, AND the latter gives your team more time to come back with a score of their own.

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