Shoe Gypsy- cool *** online shoe store

Will Monk

100+ Posts
I recently bought these Camper shoes online from this website I had been looking for them for a while, but you can't buy them outside of the EU from the official website. And I had not seen them in a brick and mortar store anywhere in Houston, Austin, or Dallas. They are awesome. The most comfy shoes I have ever worn.


They look similar to this, but I guess they have already run out of my particular style since I ordered mine. Mine are more solid brown, sans suede.

They have a bunch of the weird Euro styles, plus all the oldschool shoes and retro throwbacks like Roos, Puma, Gola and Saucony that don't even exist anymore. Pretty cool stuff.

I also bought these exact ones for my little sister:

And I will probably buy these next for myself:

And I am going to see if they can find some oldschool PF Flyer shoes for my girlfriend.
The Link

I see a red x on your post, if that's what you are talking about, and pictures of shoes in mine. Maybe you need to refresh or something.
and i'm getting the pics now after having to accept the security settings of every pic. btw, they look ******* horrible, and will never get you laid, but that was never a problem to begin with, anyway.
Does a flame war on the "around austin" board really count? This seems like a corallary to the whole "if a tree falls in the woods but no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise" thing.