Sloppy shoddy inaccurate reporting goes on all the time, in both Lib leaning and Right leaning outlets.
This is but ONE example. I wonder if it was allowed to be posted yo tug at heart strings?
from HuffPo ( and again right leaning sites/ outlets do shoddy reporting as well)
"Dan Ryan and his wife make a combined $2,700 a month, (32,4K)an amount that is too high for them to qualify for food stamps but too low to feed them and their three children. "
As I read that article the amount they reported they made seemed pretty low to not qualify for SNAP( food stamps)
this from the Mass gov't site.
How much a family of 5 can make and still qualify for SNAP
"5 people $55,819The Link
Additionally a family with a disabled person has a much higher threshold.
This is something so easy to check huffPo mut know their core audience pretty well.
Everyone who NEEDS help for food medical etc should get it. But either through laziness or deliberate misstating of facts many media are trying to create the impression that we meanies are starving people. Food insecurity is a hot catch phrase .
again this shoddy or misstating of facts is NOT limited to any one side.
This particular one was just so obviously wrong.
This is but ONE example. I wonder if it was allowed to be posted yo tug at heart strings?
from HuffPo ( and again right leaning sites/ outlets do shoddy reporting as well)
"Dan Ryan and his wife make a combined $2,700 a month, (32,4K)an amount that is too high for them to qualify for food stamps but too low to feed them and their three children. "
As I read that article the amount they reported they made seemed pretty low to not qualify for SNAP( food stamps)
this from the Mass gov't site.
How much a family of 5 can make and still qualify for SNAP
"5 people $55,819The Link
Additionally a family with a disabled person has a much higher threshold.
This is something so easy to check huffPo mut know their core audience pretty well.
Everyone who NEEDS help for food medical etc should get it. But either through laziness or deliberate misstating of facts many media are trying to create the impression that we meanies are starving people. Food insecurity is a hot catch phrase .
again this shoddy or misstating of facts is NOT limited to any one side.
This particular one was just so obviously wrong.