Sherman to bring back secret aggy pre-game ritual


250+ Posts
This is how to get the team pumped before the game. The guy on bottom has never looked happier.

New fight song perhaps?

Throw out your hands. / Stick out your tush. / Hands on your hips, give 'em a push. / You'll be surprised; you're doing the French mistake. / Voila.
it is one thing to dogpile, it is another to neatly stack yourself on top of another man.

I may require professional help after viewing such a spectacle.

"why cain't I qwit'chu?... and ewe... and ewe... and ewe....and... BAAAAAAA!
Torbush. And some of those people have the gumption to call us "ghey sip fehgs"? Sounds like a textbook case of psychological projection to me.

Somebody should produce a documentary on that place -- one that tells it like it really is, rather than glorifying all of their odd traditions. Then make it required viewing in all the high schools. This stuff is just too unbelievable to simply make up.
42 Is not only ready to hug, but he's going all the way past 40 to 41...

That's some serious reaching goin' on.

They must be defense 'cause they are trying to penetrate.


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