Maybe, after I hang a shingle in Houston, I'll give her a primary challenge just for the heck of it. If I can convince a few people to give me money for the campaign I could use it to advertise my practice.
She is my representative. God it is sickening that the people of this country could elect someone this dumb to anything. Not to mention she is by all accounts a truly mean spirited, horrible person.
she is essentially the houston version of that crazy woman in alabama that threw her cell phone at the security guard when he asked her for her identification card. she will always be reelected because she sits in one of the ward districts.
I met S.J. Lee at the VA Hospital on OST when I was waiting to take my disability physical.
She was shaking hands and having her picture taken when she introduced herself to me. I shook her hand and we spoke for a few minutes and from that I formed the following opinion:
She is the Dumbest human being on the face of this earth.
i take issue with all of this terrible talk about her, she has been a representative for years and you can look and see all that she has done for her district.....
Sheila Jackson Lee is now my public enemy #1 (she used to be 1b and Tom Delay was 1a but Delay is gone)
Houston has been represented by some of the worst congressmen ever!
If anyone is interest my #2 is Paul Bettencourt (Harris County Tax Collector) because I have to write that a-hole a check every year and he fought against Minute Maid and Toyota Center
I have never met her in person but that is certainly the way she comes across. I have heard some stories about her that should not be repeated but suffice to say that bigotry is alive and well and living in the U.S. House of Representatives. Of course I've always believed that bigotry is born of ignorance so I should not be surprised by your evaluation.
There is a short list of people that I press the mute button for no matter what. She could be talking about loving puppies and Jesus, but I'd never know b/c I mute the TV the instant I hear her name. Tom DeLay is also on the short list.