Shavodrick Beaver changes commitment from Michigan

Good for him. Choosing somewhere closer to home where his mother can come see him play is pretty cool in my book. Hope him and Kinne do great at Tulsa
and sam mcguffey is transferring to "be closer to home". i guess 4-8 or whatever record they had this season has some folks jumping ship.
I do wish he had kept his commitment but kids should go where they want. I'm happy that we have Tate Forcier coming in to the program next year. Many kids make knee jerk reactions both ways.....They commit without a lot of information....and they often decommit on knee jerk reactions.

I personally would never want to play for Todd Graham because I worked some with him at Rice and he is someone I'd rather spend as little time around as possible. I also hope Beaver doesnt expect to play for Graham for 4 years because there is a 0% chance of that.

Good luck to the kid.
- Sam is staying in the Houston area to be close to his mom
- Would prefer to go to A&M
- A&M is slowplaying him...concerns over concussion history
- Either that, or they are getting ready to trapdoor someone
Wow. Another defection, another blow for meatchicken and RR. Bad season, controversy, players leaving, telling fans to get a life, losing big to tOSU... a lot of bad recruting karma floating around out there about this program - has to be good for other members of the Big 11.
I dont think Wolverines fans will be losing any sleep over the loss of Beaver, because Forcier would probably keep him on the bench anyway.
They also have a pretty nice recruiting class coming in next year (to go with the last 2 years top 10 classes) and are probably 2nd in the big 10 talentwise.
Michigan will be surprise alot of people next year with a huge turnaround and the opinion about RR will change 180 degrees.
I think they will challenge tOSU for the title next year b/c they get them at home.
TexanWolv, Todd is a fine person. I dont know why you couldnt play for him, but maybe the problem is you or just sour grapes!

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