Share pics/stories of your dog

Sangre Naranjada

10,000+ Posts
Seems like we haven't had a thread about our animal companions in quite a while, so I thought I'd start by introducing you to Sherlock. I have heard a man can own many dogs, but most get only one life-dog. Sherlock is my life-dog. I have never felt a bond with another animal as powerful as I feel for this guy. He had been abandoned and we got him from the pound 2 years ago now. Whoever abandoned him had no idea what a great animal they were dumping, and I am simultaneously mad as hell at them for dumping him and grateful to them because he came to me. He is so smart, and he lives to be around people.

The first photo is older, before he was full grown, the other two were taken today. He's my handsome boy. I hope you will introduce us to your special pets here, too.



Sherlock is a beautiful dog.

I don't know how to post photos, or else I would post photos of my black cat Dave, who is my special kitty.
Sherlock is awesome. I see some personality in that face.

Here are my two girls, Ginger and Cocoa. They love to go running with me along the bayou that runs behind our house.

Ginger is a german shepherd that showed up at my brother-in-law's house last spring with no collar. We couldn't find her owner so we just took her in, got her spayed, shots, etc. Vet thinks she is about 2 years old now. Cocoa is some mix of terrier, we got her at the SPCA 5 years ago this month.

We have a little running joke that my kids love. If we see Ginger's poop in the yard it's a “Ginger snap” and Cocoa's poop is a “Cocoa puff.” So watch for snaps and puffs in the yard!



Blame the drought, loop. But there is grass elsewhere in the yard.

I like the look on Cocoa, with the ears back and a big smile. That's a handsome dog! Ginger's story is a good one too. Seems like rescued dogs often become the best companions.
This is my boy, Roderick, shortly after we brought him home from the pound. ..


And here are a couple more recent pics:




He's the only dog I've ever had. ... eight years old now, and I don't even want to think about what lies down the road. ... Hopefully far, far down the road.
Eyes, the links are not working or me — I just see the pasted text but not in link format.
Same thing for me. Can you reup the links?

Losing dogs is brutal. Don't think about it, just how much you love them now. And you cannot love on them enough. No matter how much you do you will think you could have more so just do it as much as you can.

Roderick is a beautiful dog. His face is very expressive.

God bless you for taking him home from the pound.
When I was about three, a female stray decided to have puppies under our porch. My parents gave away all the puppies and the mama, with the exception of the runt. We named him Bear. Bear grew to be a dog of at least one hundred pounds ( no exaggerations). When I got a little older, maybe four or five, we moved to a small community with lots of kids. I would beg my mom to let me walk two houses down to my best friend's house. She would only agree if I promised to take Bear. She would watch us as I walked along the edge of the rarely traveled road. Every time, Bear would stand between the road and me. If I ever swayed towards the road, Bear would lean on me and push me back towards the grass. Once he even pushed me down... then lowered his head to help me back up, gave me a quick lick to make sure I was ok, then proceeded along our journey. We did this routine numerous times along with doggy back rides and swimming adventures. I will never forget Bear.


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