Shadowdancer is in the hospital


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My husband Randy is in the hospital with pneumonia. He's been sick for a while, but he refused to see a doctor until today. He's getting a course of three antibiotics. Please pray for him!
He's still very sick, but you wouldn't know it to look at him. He actually has something called empiema, which is similar to pneumonia but worse because the lung is full of pus. Thankfully, his left lung is clear as a bell, but they've pulled about two liters of pus out of his right lung and aren't even close to getting it all.

He's probably going to be here another five to seven days. Your prayers are much appreciated. This man is the light of my life.
Shadowdancer got out of the hsopital on April 1 and is resting at home. He's still very ill, but at least he can be ill at home! He has to do special breathing exercises several times a day, and we are still concerned about swelling in his extremities, but he's no longer knocking at death's door! Thank you for your prayers -- they certainly have been working. Please continue ...
Texanne - so sorry, somehow I missed your OP from a couple of weeks ago. My prayers are for Randy and you. I was actually going to IM you next week to see if you might be going to the Spring Game but I suspect you will be instead helping Shadowdancer get well.

Keep us updated on his progress.
Shadowdancer got out of the hsopital on April 1 and is resting at home. He's still very ill, but at least he can be ill at home! He has to do special breathing exercises several times a day, and we are still concerned about swelling in his extremities, but he's no longer knocking at death's door! Thank you for your prayers -- they certainly have been working. Please continue ...

Glad to hear he has gained enough health to be able to go home.
He had a follow-up about a month ago. While his right lung is not clear yet, the doctor said he does not need to come back unless he starts to feel bad again. So ... he's not well, but he'd not sick, either.

Thank you all for your prayers and concern!
I send her an IM now and then... last I heard Shadowdancer was out of the hospital I believe back in May and was making a slow recovery over the summer. Texanne started a new job back in the spring and was keeping very busy - I suspect that is why we have not heard from her much.

Come back home Texanne - the Ranger zealots need you for the playoffs!

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