"Sen. Kent Conrad (D-S.D.) had a bright idea: The Senate should pass a budget. It was a fine insight, since it legally is supposed to do just that but hasn’t in about three years. He decided he would use the Simpson-Bowles debt commission proposal. Sounds like a respectable idea. But then the Senate Democrats and Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) swooped in, forcing Conrad to retreat. No votes on the budget! Don’t make us show our hand!
Pathetically, Conrad announced, “This is the wrong time to vote in committee; this is the wrong time to vote on the floor. I don’t think we will be prepared to vote before the election.” If that isn’t the perfect encapsulation of the Senate Democrats’ complete political cowardice and abdication of responsibility, I don’t know what is.
Read more:The Link
I give Conrad some props for trying to get this done but Reid?
IIRC Reid didn't't even pass a budget when he had a clear majority and the House was still Dem
Pathetically, Conrad announced, “This is the wrong time to vote in committee; this is the wrong time to vote on the floor. I don’t think we will be prepared to vote before the election.” If that isn’t the perfect encapsulation of the Senate Democrats’ complete political cowardice and abdication of responsibility, I don’t know what is.
Read more:The Link
I give Conrad some props for trying to get this done but Reid?
IIRC Reid didn't't even pass a budget when he had a clear majority and the House was still Dem