Senate Dems Block Vote on Obama’s Tax Plan


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Not even the Democrats will vote for Obama's tax plan. Why? Because it is an election year and they are apparently concerned that voting for this might upset their constituencies. It seems that Obama's tax proposal is not as politically attractive as he hoped it would be.
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Why would Obama float a tax plan before clearing it with Reid and the Senate Dems? I know many think our President is an evil genius. I think he's class A moron.
He's running out of options for campaign strategies. This looks as dumb as the house constantly voting to repeal Obamacare.
This is all about campaign ******** and it has nothing to do with sound policy. The Senate democrats know this. So, pass any policy now and they lose the campaign rhetoric. So, they're not going to do it. Hell, the one time that Obama had the opportunity to cancel those evil, terrible, horrible, BUSH TAX CUTS, he extended them instead.

Obama has decided that the only chance he has to win this election is CLASS ENVY. So, talking about taxing the rich plays into that tired old scheme. He has no real ideas, but he can tell every low to middle income person in the country that he's going to tax the rich and he'll try to make himself look like a hero.

Basically Obama thinks the general citizenry in this country is a bunch of idiots. We'll see in November is he's still correct about that.
I think the House thing was genious. The most at risk Reps from the more conservative states voted with the Republicans.....purely political but genious!!!
Another, sadly, example of a complete lack of leadership or integrity. Pure ploy to garner votes.

The above poster is correct that BO is running out of things to run on.
He is basically already a lame duck president who is unable to even pursuade his own party on policy matters. Pretty sad.

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